View Full Version : recent health trouble

04-09-05, 07:09
Hello, I'm just looking for some opinions if you'd be so kind.

I'm a 23 year old male who until recently was in good general health. In May, I had what I thought at the time was a cardiac episode, my heart didn't race but every time it beat for about 30 seconds, I felt intense pain. About three hours later, it happened again. Both these incidents happened at rest. I had trouble sleeping that night and slept right through the afternoon without waking. When I woke up, I felt just as bad as i had the night before, without the pain. After being awake for a few hours, I found breathing difficult, though not impossible. I went to the Emergency room and was told that nothing was wrong with me. I seemingly recovered for a fortnight after this and then one day, it just reoccured, again at rest.

The thing most affected by this has been my general energy levels, I feel constantly fatigued and look it too. I've developed terrible dark circles under my eyes even though I have since adopted a much healthier lifestyle and diet. My sleep has been affected in the following ways.

I sometimes suffer from a buzzing in my head as I try to drift off.

I can only sleep on my right side, if I attempt to sleep in any other position, I suffer palpitations or a sense of crushing.

Most mornings I wake up with one or both of my hands/forearms numb, always to varying degrees.

Then there's the obligatory leg twitches/jerks.... All these make it very, VERY difficult to get to sleep, which is probably my biggest problem.

I understand that these are all standard anxiety symptoms but the thing is I have absolutely nothing bothering me, at least nothing I can pinpoint. I have no financial worries, a great family, superb career prospects, fantastic friends etc. so it's difficult to understand.

I did take recreational drugs(speed and ecstasy) on occasion until recently though I stopped before this happened. I still occasionally smoke cannabis and drink alcohol though these are done in moderation. I also smoke but infrequently, some days I won't have one, other days I'll have eight or nine.

I've had full cardio exams, echo and stress test and everything came back fine. My GP is insistent that my cannabis use is the root cause even though I had been smoking the stuff for five years with absolutely no ill-effects before this. The only symptoms relating to anxiety that I had before this episode were that I was quite quick to anger and I could become upset over small things, though these would be very infrequent.

I'm sorry for the length of this post but I thought I'd better give every detail I could. Do you think I'm deluding myself and I've got emotional issues buried somewhere thatI have to deal with? Will this stop without taking medication?

Many thanks for reading this far and any advice you may give.

04-09-05, 16:08
I would advise giving up Cannabis, even just for a while to see how you feel. My first Anxiety attack came after smoking it and I had been doing it for almost a decade without any ill health, your brain just reaches a breaking point and that seems to have happened to you. I haven't touched it in almost 8 months and I'm sure that has helped in my slow recovery from anxiety. I also took a lot of ecstasy when I was a bit younger and I'm convinced that has played it's part also. Even if drugs don't do you physical harm at the time your brain is being battered left right and centre. I still drink although a hangover makes the anxiety a bit sharper so I tend not to go overboard but as far as anything else is concerned I've heeded the warnings that my brain has given me, I'm just glad I never ended up as bad as some people I have seen.

Hope you manage to get through it


04-09-05, 17:53
**I did take recreational drugs(speed and ecstasy) on occasion until recently though I stopped before this happened. I still occasionally smoke cannabis and drink alcohol though these are done in moderation.**

THis may have had more of an effect than you credit it for. Your story is not a one off.

You can only sleep on your right side leaving the left side easier to expand. Palps often happen when you bend forward or there is weight on the left side.

I would recommend really healthy living for 3 months and try to clear any effects of the drugs. No need to go looking for emotional stuff that isn't there .
Just check your thought patterns first although it may not be you at all

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Still suffering this damn "suggestive" thing.. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4288)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?