View Full Version : Somebody tell me this isnt a big problem (bp)

11-06-09, 19:14
For the past 3 years I have been avoiding the issue of my blood pressure I have a real phobia of anything going wrong with my heart and to me blood pressure= heart even if it isnt really that simple - it is in my head!:blush:

My mother died of heart disease at the age of 42 and was ill from the age of about 30 (had her first heart attack at 30) BUT she also had difficult to control type one diabetes from early childhood and so the damage to her heart was a result of or at least made worse/brought on much earlier by that.

I get in a total state when I think of having high blood pressure and ESPECIALLY about taking medications for it in facr if I am honest all of my anxiety problems began when I was pregnant with my second child and had preeclampsia. I was on medications for about a year to keep my blood pressure down and I got so bad at one point I couldnt leave the bedroom because I was convinced I was going to collapse because of high blood presure! seems stupid now but at the time it seemed reasonable :shrug:

So anyway I had a smear test last week and while I was there the nurse looked at my records and jumped on me with a blood pressure monitor which showed my blood pressure was very high and she asked my to come back this week just in case I was anxious about the smear. I was but realistically I know my blood pressure is pretty high anyway. i am going back tomorrow to see the nurse and I think there is a pretty good chance she will want me to see the doctor and that I will end up back on medications for it,

Anyway there are a few questions I really want to ask but feel to stupid/pathetic to ask the nurse or doctor and since I feel like people here will probably understand the questions I thought I would see if anyone here could help!

1.If I have high blood pressre will I have to take the medications the rest of my life? (I am 25)

2.. I f my blood pressure is high does that mean I will die young like my mother or will taking medications to bring it down stop it doing any damage?

3.can I still have more children with pre exsisting high blood pressure :weep:

thanks if you have read this far need to go and calm down even writing about it makes me shakey


11-06-09, 19:25
For the past 3 years I have been avoiding the issue of my blood pressure I have a real phobia of anything going wrong with my heart and to me blood pressure= heart even if it isnt really that simple - it is in my head!:blush:

My mother died of heart disease at the age of 42 and was ill from the age of about 30 (had her first heart attack at 30) BUT she also had difficult to control type one diabetes from early childhood and so the damage to her heart was a result of or at least made worse/brought on much earlier by that.

I get in a total state when I think of having high blood pressure and ESPECIALLY about taking medications for it in facr if I am honest all of my anxiety problems began when I was pregnant with my second child and had preeclampsia. I was on medications for about a year to keep my blood pressure down and I got so bad at one point I couldnt leave the bedroom because I was convinced I was going to collapse because of high blood presure! seems stupid now but at the time it seemed reasonable :shrug:

So anyway I had a smear test last week and while I was there the nurse looked at my records and jumped on me with a blood pressure monitor which showed my blood pressure was very high and she asked my to come back this week just in case I was anxious about the smear. I was but realistically I know my blood pressure is pretty high anyway. i am going back tomorrow to see the nurse and I think there is a pretty good chance she will want me to see the doctor and that I will end up back on medications for it,

Anyway there are a few questions I really want to ask but feel to stupid/pathetic to ask the nurse or doctor and since I feel like people here will probably understand the questions I thought I would see if anyone here could help!

1.If I have high blood pressre will I have to take the medications the rest of my life? (I am 25)

2.. I f my blood pressure is high does that mean I will die young like my mother or will taking medications to bring it down stop it doing any damage?

3.can I still have more children with pre exsisting high blood pressure :weep:

thanks if you have read this far need to go and calm down even writing about it makes me shakey


I can tell you this, my father had his first heart attack @ 46 never smoked, drank little alcohol and did not have high blood pressure. He did die at the age of 70 from a massive heart attack. In saying that, I am 51 female overweight and have low blood pressure.
You know some people who go to their GPs and are experiencing anxiety their blood pressure rises..it has a name here called "white coat syndrome"...just relax before you go back to your GP and explain how anxious you are. You will probably have to have your blood pressure monitored when your at home....DON't worry..good luck..:hugs:

12-06-09, 01:23
Please don't worry about having to take blood pressure medication! Its one of the safest medications out there, and gives you a lot of bang for your buck. It works for most everyone in lowering your blood pressure, thus lowering your chances for heart disease or stroke.

I can totally understand your concerns since your Mom died so young. I lost my Dad when he was young too, he died of lung cancer, so of course I'm panic stricken when it comes to anything to do with lung cancer. Its only naturally we panic over something we experienced first hand in a loved one.

But seriously, so many people are on blood pressure meds -- and virtually everyone I know has NO side effects from it. The only thing is does is effectively lower their pressure.

I also agree with the person who said you might have "white coat syndrome". That happens to a good friend of mine, she is also very afraid to have her pressure taken. She ended up buying one of the home blood pressure machines to monitor herself and found out that she didn't have high blood pressure at all - it was only when she went to the doctor's office and freaked herself out that it was high. When she was at home and more relaxed her pressure was normal.

12-06-09, 07:04
Ahh my specialist subject, BP.

Did they tell you your numbers?

First of all, a constant high BP, as blondy says, can be effectively controlled by BP meds. But, they cannot tell if you have high BP after one test (whitecoat etc) readings have to be taken over a period of time.

Also, hypertention is graded in stages, 1 2 3 with stage one being up to 159/99. Even with this figure, a GP might not necesserely give you meds, a lifestyle change may be suggested.

Now high blood pressure does not kill overnight, it can take many many years for it to do damage, and even having high BP for years does not automatically mean you will suffer a death from a HIGH BP related illness.

I am 42, and I have a "variable" BP reading to say the least.

Typically it hovers around 145/88 (slightly high). But recently I have been back in the gym and my BP in the last couple of days is around 138/84. The reason for this is, exercise is a very effective way of reducing your BP so don't be fooled by anxiety that you are going to drop dead if you walk around.

Other changes to lower BP include:

Lower salt intake
Keep an ideal weight
less alcohol (I struggle with this one lol)
and stop smoking if you do smoke.

As always, take advice from your GP and not some numpty like me on a forum but enquire about having a 24 hour monitor. That way they can see your average and then the GP will decide whats best.

Above all, DO NOT WORRY, you are lucky in that if it is a wee bit high, you are so young you have all the time in the world to manage it.

Pop to the docs and let us know how you get on.



12-06-09, 09:21
thanks the logical part of me says that i should be afraid- of NOT taking the tablets rather than afraid of the tablets themselves!. Another major part of it is that I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant and I was pretty ill (I have three children only had it with the middle one for some reason).

My blood pressure ranges between 140/90 and 160/116 when it is taken I have had a 24 hour monitor at home which showed it was high but not as high as it appears at the doctors (was avergaging during waking hours about 140/95),

My doctor I saw last time told me that she wanted to give me medication to control my blood pressure amd also ones to control anxiety as I feel anxious most of the time and so that will raise my blood pressure even when I am not at the doctors so she thought it best to control both.

I chickened out of going back because I hate taking medicines and now here we are 1 year and 1 baby later - still worrying lol

I DO need to lose weight (bmi is 29 so NEARLY obese) that probably doesnt help. I have been trying the last few weeks and lost about 4 pounds but its going to take some time I think!. I dont drink or smoke so at least I dont have to think about eveything at once - just the wieght!

12-06-09, 18:29
Please don't worry about taking medicine to lower your blood pressure. These days medication is safe and effective, and if one doesn't suit you another one will. I know how you feel as I have had this anxiety for years and my father and mother both died of heart related illnesses. My h/a is built solely round heart and BP related illnesses too and I always have a hard time when I have to have it taken. Be guided by you nurse/doctor and try all the diet/lifestyle advice already given in this thread.Your BP is not dreadfully high and may be much lower when you are out of the surgery!! Anyway, I know young people who have had to be on medication and have subsequently been able to come off it as weight loss, exercise and good diet has brought it down. Whatever we do we cannot change our family history, but you can do everything else to help, and even if you do eventually need meds,they are nothing to fear .:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: