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11-06-09, 22:38
:weep: Hello to you all. Could really do with your help.I suffer with general anxiety, generally i feel panicky all the time, ive got a dull pain in centre of breastbone constantly and its really beginning to freak me out. Does anyone else have this ? Every day is a battle just to get through daily chores its becoming really hard work, i do it but its tough. Doc wants to put me on meds but i want to avoid this if possible. Any tips on how to cope and help myself would be great. Thanx

12-06-09, 01:02
Hi Dinky

:welcome: to NMP.

It's exhausting, isn't it?!:weep: Fighting your way through the day, being anxious & panicky more often than not.

I also have the pain/discomfort in the breastbone, I get it every day. Could be tension, could be the way your sitting, especially if you're like me & sit in awkward positions at the comp because of this friggin tension!!

You are not alone, I know that it doesn't help but we are here for each other. I have been helped so much by kind people on here.

There are plenty of good books & tapes to listen to (I recommend Dr Claire Weekes - my personal favourite), which you can buy from the online shop here, there are also free downloads, which I have found very helpful.
