View Full Version : Newbie with OCD, panic attacks

11-06-09, 22:48
Hi! I am a 32 yo mom with severe OCD. My anxieties are mainly health related. I am constantly terrified that I have a terminal illness and frequently find symptoms to worry about and research via the internet. I worry constantly about cancer, brain tumors, you name it. I also suffer from panic attacks due to these issues. I've had OCD since early childhood and my obsessions have gone through many transitions. I have panic attacks often in the early morning and don't get much sleep. The anxiety and hopelessness I feel causes depression. I am in therapy and trying some different medications. Unfortunately, the side effects from these seem to just feed into my fears. I am so glad I found this site and am hoping to find some comfort in knowing I'm not alone!

12-06-09, 09:38
Hi & Welcome.
I'm so sorry you're going through this but I'm sure you will find this site extremely helpful. I know from experience how debilitating anxiety and depression is, as do many others on here.
Please let us know how you are.

Veronica H
12-06-09, 16:35
:welcome:to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.
