View Full Version : Spot in vision

11-06-09, 22:57
I have been noticing recently that I sometimes get a spot in my vision very much like the ones you get after looking at a bright light. They are usually small and greenish/bluish. They are usually in one eye and fade after a few minutes. They are more visible when I squint and they dont' move around like floaters. I wouldn't be concerned except I get them when I know I haven't been looking at any bright light. I am terrified that I have a brain tumor or a detached retina. It's something most people might not notice but I am very focused on physical symptoms. I made an eye appt. for next month but I can't stop obsessing. I keep squinting to see if I can see one and if I think I do, I panic. Anyone else have this?

11-06-09, 23:04
This is not to scare you but so you know what it is like to have a retinal bleed and after I have described it you hopefully can say well that isn't me.
I am very very shortsighted and because of this have very thin retina and am at high risk of detachment. 4 yrs ago I woke up one morning and there was a jet black round hole in the vision of my right eye - it didn't move and never went away - I did not have to look for it and everytime I blinked it flashed different colours. Thankfully at the eye clinic they said the bleed was tiny and would heal up itself in a few weeks which it did. A couple of years later i woke up with same again but even smaller this time and knew what it was and that one healed in a few days.

If you are having to look for your spot then its probably not this or if you get in on and off during a day - when I had it it was there 24/7 and was very annoying.

If you are really worried you are having retinal bleeds then so see someone as soon as possible but hopefully my descritpion will reassure you that this is not what you have got.

12-06-09, 00:43
Thanks for your reply! It does not sound like what I am experiencing. Mine is not black (more light colored than dark) and always goes away after several minutes. It happens maybe once a week or even less than that. I am worried about my retina and have made an appt. with an opthamologist in a few weeks to get checked out. Thanks for sharing your story...it helped!

12-06-09, 01:40
i have vision problems too right now, though they are very different. for me it seems like lighted things are extended, i dont really know how to explain it. its not really halos, more like the light extends out from lights, tv's alarm clock. dont know what to make of it. let me know how your appt. goes.

12-06-09, 09:31
I get this on and off I am very short sighted and for me it is normally after I have been looking at something really carefully (even with my glasses on!). I have had them for as long as i can remember and everytime I go to the opticians I telll them so look more carefully lol.
I would just visit an optician for an eye test and mention it to them = they can at least put your mind a bit at ease
