View Full Version : cervical worries - please help

11-06-09, 22:58
hi guys, i could really do with talking to someone, i had a medical termination on april 25th due to reasons i couldnt help, they also fitted the mirena 4 days later, since then i have bled everyday, lightly then yesterday a lot (loads), i have severe headaches and im scared. They won give me a smear until i stop bleeding. My friend has just been confirmed with 2nd stage cervical cancer and im trying to be strong for her but i feel selfish because i am so worried, has anyone else had the coil, is this bleeding normal? i have been to gp who said she is not worried, but i am, I am really considering having this coil taken out as its making me panic, my heads all over x

11-06-09, 23:27
Im sorry that you are having a worrying time.
I am considering having the mirena coil fitted due to problems with my menstrual cycle:scared15:, but during my research into it, i have read that it can cause bleeding like you are describing in some people and can take a while to settle down. why dont you monitor it over the next week or so before you make any final descions,, but if you are still worried go back to your Gp, after all thats what they are there for.
I think too that your friends diagnosis is making your worry more, and that is nothing to do with being selfish, yes you are concerned for her and she needs support, but you are not choosing to worry like this, you need support too,. and i have found the people on this site are very supportive and a great help, and they truely understand.
I wish i could be of more help, maybe some one else will be able to give you their experience, i hope it all settles down for you soon

Best wishes

P x :flowers:

11-06-09, 23:34
thanks so much for your reply, i have found that this site is very calming, xx

11-06-09, 23:45
give it some time, i am sure your bleeding will stop. if your doc isn't worried, try not to worry about it either. normally i would say to stay off the internet with health concerns, but you might find that its a normal side effect, if you decide to look, JUST look for the side effects i/e bleeding after the coil has been inserted, not at what else the bleeding could mean. also, it can take your body a long time, longer than they tell you for your body to get back to normal after the termination. one more thing, i have had three people i know have cervical cancer or precancer at different stages, they all had treatment, and are fine now, two of them have kids. its very treatable, just keep up on your smears.

11-06-09, 23:51
thanks for reply x

12-06-09, 00:09
Hi there,
I had the mirena coil fitted 4 years ago when I had to have a blighted ovum removed at 4 months into my pregnancy. I was 40 at the time and was so distressed that another pregnancy might go wrong I agreed to have it fitted at the time of the operation. Like you I bled quite heavily for a while and experienced headaches and pelvic pain. This took quite a while to settle down, although I found that my periods were quite heavy and painful from then onwards. My mood swings were terrible and I felt so tearful all the time. I got so fed up after suffering with this for 3 years I plucked up the courage to have it removed and since then, things have settled down in that department and my PMS is much improved. I guess it just did not suit me. Remember though, you have been through a very emotional time and your feelings are still very raw and your hormone levels will be all over the place. Be kind to yourself. I am sure it will all settle down soon for you.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x