View Full Version : Itchy nipples.

12-06-09, 09:38
I am a little panicky after looking online for things to help stop / prevent my occasionally itchy nipples and finding (not even looking, mind you... damn you Google!) that it is a symptom of breast cancer.

My nipples are itchy occasionally. Not constantly, not to such an extreme point that it disrupts my day, but every so often (maybe twice a week or so) they just get really itchy for maybe an hour at a time. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone know what causes it, or how to fix it and make it stop happening? I'm not pregnant, I just got my period again today. There is no redness aside from when I scratch them, definitely no rash presence. There is no discharge whatsoever; not standalone and not when I press down as the Dr. does during my yearly. It happens to both breasts. I have no lumps in my breasts that I can feel, and my last full checkups and gyn. visits came up clean and fine, although those were both last year.. and as far as I remember I have had this issue for longer than that. My nipples do get dry sometimes (I think) due to what looks like dry skin on my nipple, but there is not what I would call or consider to be 'crusting.' I am just freaking out.

12-06-09, 09:40
hi could it be the bra your wearing? or the washing powder. I get this every now and then but it normally because of a rough bra OR (more embarrassingly) because either one of my children or me has dropped crumbs down there!.

if they are dry prehaps try some very gentle cream?


12-06-09, 11:40
don't worry about this hun I get it all the time and so does my 12 year old daughter, its something and nothing just be aware that if you catch them while scratching with long nails you could give them a nasty nick and this could cause them to become infected otherwise there is absolutely nothing to worry about unless you start bleeding or get any discharge from them in which case you should see a dr to eliminate any thing sinister but don't worry I notice it more when my period is due.


12-06-09, 14:04
yeah sweety,I get this too..now imagine having insanely itchy nipples whilst being outside and you can't scratch! I get itchy nips sometimes..usually my left one more so.and when I scratch it gets tingly feeling.

I think it's perfectly fine..as usual google want to take very common symptoms that are nothing and create it into life threatening conditions. :( Don't get me wrong I used to succumb to google all the time but I am slowly learning to STAY AWAY!..Even if you aren't "looking" for things per se,something WILL always come up shouting cancer or some other disease begining with b with a v and z and number 5 in the middle of it.. :p *hugs* hun..you're fine.hey it may even be a little heat rash or something..getting pretty warm these days with the summer xxxxxxx

12-06-09, 18:26

I get this too and like you i was very worried about it, with me there seems to be no set pattern , it can happen a little or a lot , at anytime throughout my cycle, and the itch drives you crazy, , keep things cool seems to help, so avoid hot showers baths and stuff, i now even keep a couple of cans in the fridge , just to apply them to my nipples for some relief from the itch, ( its not a pretty picture i know ) i have mentioned it a few times to my GP, and she doesnt think it is anything to be concerned about, all i know is that pregnant women suffer from it, but i am deffo not pregnant, so i presume it is a hormone thing.
Anything new happening in our bodies just sends us into a panic, i find this site is very reassuring for advice , and its coming from people who know where your coming from.

Wishing you well

P x :flowers: