View Full Version : I can't live like this

12-06-09, 10:05
I thought I was improving. Having a few good spells in the day. Managed wedding at weekend and felt okay after actual service. I even enjoyed myself. Since then I have gone rapidly downhill. I feel awful from morning till night. Shaking and so wound up. The anxiety is off the scale and it doesn't calm down. How can I be this anxious all day? It's exhausting me. I will never be well because every time I make a bit of progress I just slip right back. My life is not worth living if this doesn't go away...
I'm upsetting my family and everyone round me. They hate to see me like this. I just don't know what to do anymore...:weep: :weep: :weep:

12-06-09, 10:10
have you seen a doctor about how you are feeling? I know I go through phases of feeling like that on and off and it awful I know


12-06-09, 10:17
Hey mojo

i'm sorry its gotten so bad for you...

I do understand you're fustrations, i wish my anxiety would go away and its not as bad as yours...

have you sought help from doctors/counsellor? Have you tried meditation? Exercise like going for a run or the gym? Reading a totally pointless book....

I wish there was something i could do to make you feel better i really do...

All i can say is don't give up.. it does pass and even if you fall back into it again with perserverance we can hope that the Non Anxiety times will get longer and more frequent ... and the bouts of anxiety if not shorter easier to cope with...

Don't let it beat you, wage war on it! You are stronger that you know!

big hugs

Pm anytime you like!

12-06-09, 10:22
Thank you for being there. Meds don't seem to agree with me. I do see a psychiatric nurse as that's all we have where I live. I feel that she is giving up on me as well because I'm not making any progress. Maybe that's just me thinking that because of the way I'm feeling...
I make myself go out everyday even though it's a struggle. I try to distract myself but no matter what I do I'm still thinking about myself... I hate myself for it.
Getting replies from you all does help because then I know someone's listening to me and cares enough to reply.xx

12-06-09, 10:28
Hi Judy, have you listened to the claire weeks downloads (they are free on the nmp shop in this site) I found them to be really helpfull , hope you feel better soon, a big hug to you , Karen

12-06-09, 10:43
Someone posted in another thread that helping and thinking about others would decrease the amount of time we spend worrying and thinking about ourselves and our anxiety...

i know what you mean when you say no matter what you do you can't stop thinking, thats where i am... every second of the day is analyzed... It's drivine me mental

Perhaps you could try to refocus you're attention on helping other people cope with their lives and their problems... Perhaps volunteer some of your time to a help line or even on here, read other people threads and answer them..

You have a wealth of knowledge based on experience USE IT.... you never know who you might save...

Big hugs and keep fighting the good fight!


12-06-09, 11:01
So sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. If it's any consolation, I feel exactly the same. I've really had enough of feeling this way as it's no quality of life. The symptoms have been full on since last week with no respite.
Wish I could help but am struggling, but hope you feel a bit better soon.

12-06-09, 12:00
Thanks goingmadder. I think trying to help people on here is a good idea. I will try doing it more often. I know I neeed to stop thinking about only me. I know lots of others are as bad as me and worse. Just when you get really bad you feel so sorry for yourself. Not a good thing to do :blush: . I really appreciate your help.:hugs: x
Louise thank you for caring even when you feel so bad yourself.:hugs: x

12-06-09, 12:12
Thanks goingmadder. I think trying to help people on here is a good idea. I will try doing it more often. I know I neeed to stop thinking about only me. I know lots of others are as bad as me and worse. Just when you get really bad you feel so sorry for yourself. Not a good thing to do :blush: . I really appreciate your help.:hugs: x
Louise thank you for caring even when you feel so bad yourself.:hugs: x

Hi Mojo,

Just wanted to say, I didn't mean to undermine your situation in anyway... The point of helping others was not because others are worse off than you (although in some cases that will always carry some truth) but simply because when we worry about others we have less time to focus on our own problems....

Just wanted to make sure I hadn't offended you ...

Last august i lost a very special person and the Grief that over took me was amazing, never thought i could feel so sad.... I found a website called OTRIB and on there I met some amazing people, within a week i started to feel like a vetran of the site and i'd find myself advising and comforting others through their grief....it helped me a lot

Theres a saying "we teach what we have to learn" meaning that by seeing and understanding someones problems and advising them on how best to cope we start to realise that all along we know what we need to do to help ourselves ...its hard to take our own advice, and its not hypocritical at all... But the more you remind others the more you're remembering how to cope and the more people you help the better you feel about yourself. We gain a sense of purpose by providing others with love and friendship.

I hope you're anxiety eases... Big hugs


12-06-09, 12:32
You didn't offend me in any way!:hugs: I understand what you mean perfectly and it is so true. I have to admit that when I advise others it does make me realise that I do have the answers to my own problem! I just need to put them into practise! Thank you again.:bighug1: xx

12-06-09, 13:14
Thanks Tetley! My psychiatric nurse and my daughter said something similar. That I had a lot going on the week of the wedding too, lots of people visiting etc. and it was quite a lot of stress but also good for distracting and now things are going back to normal I'm having a bit of a backward blip. Sure hope that's all it is!! :hugs:

14-06-09, 04:09
I don't think there is what we could say a "typical" anxiety sufferer because there are so many different personalities and causes involved but I feel there is one common group that I would perhaps call "the born worrier". I would say I'm one of this group myself!

If someone is a born worrier, I feel there are possibily 2 extremes that can trigger the most uncomfortable anxiety feelings - 1) Too much stress and 2) Too little to occupy our minds.

When we go through a period of extreme stress, our minds are kept focused but are often being overloaded so that once the stress has past, we can suffer a reaction when things become quiet.

However, also in our quiet mundane daily activities, we often don't have enough to stimulate our minds creating what I call "boredom stress" which in itself can leave the door open for the mind to look for something to worry about.

The worst combination though I feel is when we feel very stressed but also very bored so that the stress will trigger our anxiety making us focus on health concerns like a stressed parrot trapped in a cage pulling his feathers out.

Therefore, I feel we need to attempt a careful balance on the whole but also learn how to deal with stress extremes by keeping relaxed as possible when under pressure but filling our lives with enjoyable activities in our quiet daily lives at home so that our minds aren't given a chance to dwell on irrational worries.

Personally, if something triggers a nagging worry, I try not to dwell on it by thinking about other things or doing things I enjoy because I've found that although the worry doesn't immediately disappear, when the worry does re-surface, I don't feel so anxious about it. What I mean, is that when a worry surfaces, we tend to focus on it and the more we focus on it, the more the anxious feelings increase until we feel really ill. Nipping the thought in the beginning by finding ways not to dwell on it then makes the anxious feelings much more manageable when the worrying thought re-surfaces. I don't think we can ever stop being born worriers and maybe we shouldn't anyway because if we stopped worrying we'd also stop caring so much. Anyway, that's what works for me.:hugs:

14-06-09, 06:10
hi its margaret you know like you i went to a christening ,well guess what this week feel same as you.. its hell. all i can put it down to is that we did something we beat this thing if only for one day,, but the brain dosent understand the change so bang it overflows with negative thoughts to set us back,,,it happens everytime i take a step forward,,i think our bodys get used to being on edge all the time,i wish, and pray it will ease again for us all.. god bless you love margaret

14-06-09, 09:56
Thank you Bill for your insight into my situation. As usual you make so much sense. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. I set a lot of store by what you say in your replies. Take care.:hugs:

Margaret, thank you also for your reply. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling like me. It's awful isn't it? We still need to be proud of what we achieved even if only for one day. It proves that it is possible for us to feel "normal". Here's hoping we will both soon feel a bit better again.:hugs:

15-06-09, 08:17
yes judy like this morning had to go for blood test, for my thyroid ,had underactive for years before i went tum churn nervy ,as it was for 7 30 am but went i was fine once i got there ,,what i am sayingits mind over matter, have you tried zanax tjust started must say relieve some of symyoms you should try them love margaret:yesyes: