View Full Version : Don't know what to do.

04-09-05, 17:33
Well basically my sister dragged me down the pub on Friday evening. It all went well, I felt a bit anxious when we first went in but I soon calmed down and the rest of the evening was fine.

We’d been in there for about half an hour when someone my sister works with came in. So we got chatting to her and I told her I’d split up with my wife about 6 months ago. She then tells me that her daughter been through the same thing (not a period of anxiety, just a split up) and that she’s not getting out much. I then nip off to the loo and when I get back she tells me that she’s just been on the phone to her daughter and that it’s OK to for me to call her and ask her out. She then gives me her daughters’ mobile number.

Now I don’t know what to do. My sisters’ met this girl and she said she’s attractive, intelligent easy to talk to and that we’re of similar ages. But I just don’t know what to do.

Firstly I don’t know what to say when I first call her, it would be easier to send a text but then that’s bottling it somewhat. And I also don’t know weather I should mention this anxiety thing, ‘cos I don’t want to scare her off before we’ve even started. I’m also worried that if I do call her and arrange a date that on that day I’ll have a panic attack and not be able to go (at the moment I tend to do things on impulse when I’m feeling up to it).

So what would you do?

04-09-05, 17:42
One possibility is to all meet up in a group so its more casual and less like a date and you can assess her for yourself.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-09-05, 18:18
go for it, if you have a panic you have a panic!!

Surely you deserve some fun!!

All the best whatever you do!


04-09-05, 20:54
I think you should go for it you have nothing to lose and things might really work out for you.

Good Luck,

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

04-09-05, 21:17
Hi Parker.
Call her up first and see if you want to go out with her. That way it takes the presure off a little cuz you'll know a little about her.


05-09-05, 09:16
Go for it - never pass up an opportunity to make a new friend!!!!

Like Funky says 'if you panic, you panic' so what and also if you do and you still get on then wow.

My friend met someone on one of these internet dating things and after a few e-mails passing back and forth she cautiously mentioned her panic attacks and he said ditto. That was 18 months ago - they moved in together 6 months ago!!!!

Having said that I would look at it more in the light of making a new friend than a possible romance that way there's less pressure.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-09-05, 12:07
Hi Parker,
I agree with the others go for it, and if she likes you, the panic attacks wont worry her at all, as they are all a part of the person that you are.
Good luck
Take care
Trac xxx

its "just a thought"

05-09-05, 17:55
Hi guys,

Thanks for the advice. I did call her last night, she seems really nice. We're going out Friday evening for a meal.

05-09-05, 19:53
go for it, you never know she may be understanding if you panick and if not shes probably not right for you anyway!

05-09-05, 23:55
Well done for calling her, just like your immediate thought i would have texted HA HA

Hope you have a great night on Friday, you deserve it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".