View Full Version : blood in faeces

12-06-09, 11:48
i apologise for this being a bit gross but here goes..........

I have noticed a couple of times recently that i have blood on top of my faeces, or mixed in- it doesnt seem to be coming from a tear on the outside as i only noticed it when looking in the lo! (sorry! lol) There has been a slight amount of mucus on occassion too and im feeling a slight uncomfortable feeling. i realise i should go to the doctor but I just wanted to see if anybody had anything similar. I'm terrified- obviously i'm convinced I am now dying of cancer!

Thanks guys


12-06-09, 12:26
It sounds like you have internal piles, If you feel a bit itchy there too it is almost certainly piles. Go to your doc to be sure and get some meds for it. Good luck x

12-06-09, 12:51
I really would go to your doctor.
Usually with piles (as i have had these) you only get bright red blood on going to toilet, anything other than that should always be checked out.
That doesn't mean to say there is anything seriously wrong, it just needs to be looked at.:)

12-06-09, 13:11
ooh crikey i'm not sure i want it looked at lol- hmmm ok thank you for your replies :)
(tell me they wont have to stick anything up there??) lol

12-06-09, 18:41
Oh bless you:D

They will take a look and maybe insert a finger, i know it's embarrassing but it lasts only seconds and it's worth it to put your mind at rest.
Good Luck:yesyes:

12-06-09, 18:51
It is best to get piles looked at and treated early on or they get worse and then become external skin tags.

It may just go on its own as well.

12-06-09, 22:32
A few moments of embarrassment is better than a lifetime of anxiety. Go get it checked out....please


13-06-09, 20:34
you'll be fine i had checked week ago was nervous wreck but it only lasted seconds, may feel bit cold as they use jelly like substance

13-06-09, 22:38
the rule is if it black like tar then get it checked out but if its more brighter then its fresher then i wouldnt worry about just mention it next time o drs:)

15-06-09, 09:51
I am experiencing something similar, mine is reddy brown and just on top of faeces like mucus!!!

17-06-09, 23:46
yep sounds kinda similar, but mine happens with diarroeah (no idea how to spell that) so it's not as if its due to pushing. (yet again i apologise lol)

29-06-09, 01:44
For what it's worth, this is something I have had, and still do have on occasion.
I was referred by the doctor in the usual fashion, after a "serious talk" about how it could be one of many bad things (chrons, colitis, you name it).
Once with the specialist at the hospital and after the "inspection" which wasnt actually painful or embarassing, I was told it was nothing to worry about and caused by irritation associated with IBS. Which contradicts everything they say about IBS, and goes to show that Dr Google isn't always right. I would agree with the posts that bright red is 'usually' less to worry about especially if the quantity is low which for me it is, and for me mucus is usually a big player (typical IBS symptoms) and there have been instances of ONLY mucus and blood, though not recently. I think the blood is often lagged from episodes of straining or infection or something like that, because it doesnt always make sense.
So I'd definitely advise getting checked out for prudence sake and to put your mind at rest (trust me, its worth that alone) but I'd say in all honesty its probably going to come to nothing. Not everything associated with stress/panic can be logically explained - presumably due to a lack of understanding.
Every time I visit the Doc with an anxiety related disorder (often!) I get largely ignored, even when there are obvious physical manifestations, which seems strange to me, how is modern science and medicine going to learn anything about anxiety if it's constantly dismissed. Anyway..that's off topic..

And sorry for being gross :)

01-07-09, 23:17
Thank you for your responses- well i went to the doctor today- (who was actually a really rude man but that's besides the point) and he is sending me to a specialist. I'm not sure what for exactly yet but my sister has just told me she had to see somebody for an examination and it was so painful she cried!!! Terrified of the procedure now aswell as being terrified of what's wrong. humph :(

01-07-09, 23:42
All this sounds familiar!!!

Dont worry, he's sending you to the specialist to cover his own backside (pun intended). I know its really hard not to worry about it, I know I worried myself sick, and all over nothing.

It's good that you'll be seen by someone who really knows what theyre talking about.

Now you mention it, the doctor I saw back then about that was super rude too. He asked me how often my "bowels opened" and I was like 22 years old and had no idea what he was talking about. LOL. He started shouting at me like I was a retard! Great!!

The examination wasnt painful for me at all. I remember even laughing and joking about it at the time, the specialist was a decent guy. I couldnt even really feel anything. I wouldnt expect it will be painful for you either unless you have some kind of sores but doesnt sound like it.

02-07-09, 00:16
My doctor asked if i'd had any weight loss and then looked at me and said 'obviously not!' lol- i'm average size so was slightly taken aback (especially as he was fairly large!!!)

anyway i digress......... ive been reading about colonoscopies on here and they sound fairly awful! I'm assuming that that is what they will send me for. Oh deary me- not sure I could actually manage that!

02-07-09, 15:17
Emmax your symptoms sound like a fissure which is a tear in the back passage. I am having treatment for one at the moment. I have had one before and had surgery to help it to heal properly. The blood when you go the loo (poo) is exactly what you describe. I'm not constipated either. I'm not sure whether you will be refered to a gastroenterologist or a general surgeon. Your GP should have told you what he thought his diagnosis was. Try not to worry. I have had three colonoscopies and they weren't that bad. The hardest part was the bowel prep (laxatives) and I was sedated. If it is a fissure the doctor will discuss various treatments with you including creams and suppositories, botox and possibly a small operation depending on the severity of the fissure. I hope that your treatment goes well.

Hereford Al
02-07-09, 15:51
I've had similar stuff happen to me on 2 occasions in the past. One about 7 years ago (where the bleeding lasted for a week or so) was due to a combination of piles, constipation/straining, stress and too much drinking. The other time (spring 2008) only happened the once and was after I had been really ill projectile puking and permanently stuck to the toilet the previous week with Gastroenteritus (or however you spell it!).

I would not be too concerned by it - I went to my doc both times and didn't feel all that embarassed at all....I'm sure GP's and the like have seen it all before. First time I was given some cream and told to eat lots of fibre for the ensuing few days. The second time I was told just to drink lots of water to flush out the remainder of the Gatro bug.

Don't be afraid to see the doc - Tis always better safe than sorry :-)

Just avoid sitting on concrete walls and stuff for a few days!


03-07-09, 18:45
Ive just had the same blood in stools, but im on iron 3 times a day for anaemia so have been constipated, i had an external skin tag as well, so thanks to the person who replied to you earlier in the thread thats the reason i went!! i got some cream to put on me bum!!!! twice a day and oh thank you God i can go now without the glass inside feeling or crying!!! its a marvel.!!!
hope your okay hon just get checked out and its one less worry for you


08-07-09, 22:34
I got a letter today for an appointment (it's not very specific but it included suppositries in the envelope!!!) im assuming it's not a colonoscopy but im not scared of how much it will hurt. Also i had to ring today to change the date as im working on the day they gave me, and the lady said 'oh your doctor should have told you that you really need to be available any time within the next 14 days as he has referred you as an urgent case!!! Im slightly worried that he felt something odd when he was feeling my tummy now. I am petrified of the procedure!!! x

08-07-09, 23:13
It is probably a sigmoidoscopy then.

I thought they got a nurse to administer the suppositories though! Well mine was done privately and was liquid they squirted up there.

08-07-09, 23:27
I'm really sorry that you are feeling bad Emmax, I'd be terrified aswell if i'd hear a doctor signed me up as an "Urgent case" However from what i've read over the past few month's, red fresh blood is rarely something all to dangerous, black, dried up blood is alot more risky, but even then its mostly something like a stomach uhh...blister? I forgot the name... :blush: Blood in the stool is also concidered a sympton of IBS, and want to know how IBS is diagnosed, its pretty much them doing a bunch of diffirent tests but not finding anything out of the ordinary. and IBS is VERY common. I know you're terrified, and I really feel for you because I,and most of us here on the forums know exactly how you feel. I wish you the best and the only advice I can give is to try and remain calm


15-07-09, 03:11
Hi Emmax,

I went nearly out of my mind with worry last year over the SAME thing (reddish brownish mucus stuff). I was referred to a specialist, and he did a sigmoidoscopy. It really wasn't that bad, don't worry. Just a little bit uncomfortable, but not too bad. It turned out to be nothing-- just IBS related mucus. I never got an explanation as to why it was reddish, as if it contained blood, but the doctor was totally unconcerned.

I'm sure your doctor referred you as an urgent case just because you can never be too careful or too speedy in diagnosing IF there's any chance it could be something serious. I'm sure you will be fine.


17-07-09, 23:31
i cancelled my appointment and have to re-book. I'm terrified now as im so bloated and have upper abdomen and back pains which are there every day now and the blood is still there. I know I have to re-book asap really but im so scared. Although I have absolutely convinced myself I have something really serious now. I'm also having pains in my lower back and numbness when i sit down. :(

Just felt like a whinge x

17-07-09, 23:36
Aww go and have it done - you need to know don't you.

Don't cancel it cos this worry will go on and on until you know.