View Full Version : Hello everyone

the cats whiskers
12-06-09, 15:59
Hi to you all,
I'm so pleased to have found this site as I seem to be going through another breakdown at the moment.
A little about me, I'm 33, female and have suffered with bouts of depression since being a teenager. The first time I was treated was in 2000 when I had a complete nervous breakdown.
I have had a few years feeling very well then last year was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and other health problems....this amongst many other nasty things meant that I started to get my warning signs at the end of last year (thoughts of self harm and panic attacks) I was put on citalopram (10mg) then it was increased to 20mg.....but this last week I have been feeling so awful....not sleeping, panic attacks, non stop tears, not eating, negative thoughts etc etc.
I am lucky that my GP is amazing and I also have regular counselling.
I don't know quite why I'm saying all this....I'm sitting here sobbing....haven't been out the house in 4 days....and I'm so lonely....I guess I need a hug!!
I've got a doctors appointment in half an hour and I'm scared to leave my house. I'm going to go though as I WILL NOT let this beastly depression beat me.
Sorry to have waffled.
I hope to get and give some support on here....and maybe make some good friends along the way.

12-06-09, 16:21
Hello & Welcome,
I'm so glad you've find this site as I'm sure you will find it very helpful, as I have done. Please let us know how you got on at the doctor's - glad you have an understanding one!

Veronica H
12-06-09, 16:26
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly and supportive place.


12-06-09, 17:15

I would to send you the big hug you need :hugs:

Welcome to the site I think you will find it full of good advice and very supportive and there are so many nice people on here.

Hope it all goes well at the doctors.

Take care


12-06-09, 17:31

I've only recently joined nmp and it really is so supportive and informative, so you have come along to the right place.

Take care x


the cats whiskers
12-06-09, 17:45
Thanks for the welcome and kind words....and the hugs!

The doctor increased the citalopram to 30mg and has booked me an appointment for 4 weeks time. I've got another counselling session next week so I know I'll be ok. :)

I'm feeling a little better for having got out of the house today, but am now exhausted. Crazy isn't it, a 20 minute walk and I'm shattered!! I'm hoping for a good nights sleep tonight...but if not at least I have some good books on the go. Thankfully this period of depression hasn't stopped me reading, I seem to be able to concentrate ok *phew*

Chat to you all soon,

12-06-09, 18:36
Hi Kitty,

Glad the appointment at the doctors went well, this is a great site for giving and recieving support, and im sure it will be of benefit to you,
Hope you manage to get some decent sleep tonight after your exhausting day, and your right it is exhausting, although you might only done a 20 minute walk, in your mind you have probably done it hundreds of times over, and had the conversation with the doctor over and over again and loads of other things besides ... yes truely exhausting... enjoy your rest today you deserve it .
take care and be kind to yourself and here is another hug.:bighug1:

P x :flowers:

the cats whiskers
12-06-09, 18:50
Thanks Pollyanna....here's a hug back!
