View Full Version : Random Kidney Fears

12-06-09, 16:36
Hi everybody...I'm new here and came across this website as I was doing the dreaded "googling" about some health issues...as I always do, and decided to check it out. Seems like the place for me to be since my family and friends tend to think I over react to everything...which I probably do!

Anyway, my fears go back over 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. Upon my first appt with the OBGYN, as usual, I was told to give a urine sample, check blood pressure, etc... Well, unbeknownst to me, my blood pressure was high and a lot of protein was found in my urine-enough that the OB made me do a 24 hr. urine test. I was freaked out b/c I had never had issues before with anything...outside of suffering from kidney stones. I was put on meds for my BP (still on meds to this day and it's controlled now-runs in my family-lucky me!) and was told that I needed to see a specialist for my kidneys. When I questioned what was wrong, the OB blatantly told me, "you have kidney disease". WHAT???!!! Long story short, I saw a specialist who did all kinds of blood tests and another urine test and came back to tell me that my kidneys were fine-only trace amounts of protein and it was nothing to worry about. Throughout the rest of my pregnancy, I never had a bit of protein again until prior to delivery and it was only a little bit.

This is the thing-I'm constantly worried about my kidneys now. I won't let it go that I was told that I had kidney disease. There have been times that I've gone in for my yearly physical and dread doing a urine test b/c I fear more protein is present. There have been occasions when protein (and blood) have been present- after having had a UTI- and my GP has freaked me out by making me do tests, but the tests come out ok. No protein at diagnosis for UTI, but protein afterwards for followup on UTI. Last Dec. I had a cystoscopy done due to blood in my urine and it was totally fine. My urologist said it looked good. At that time I gave another urine sample and it once again showed trace amounts of protein that the urologist said, in his opinion, was nothing to worry about. However, the GP wanted me to do a 24 hr test again and I flat out refused b/c I told him the first time I did, the results showed possible kidney disease when I didn't have it. I explained that it caused to much anxiety and didn't want to put myself through that again. His response, " i don't think there is anything to worry about. if anything, it should put your mind to rest". I still refused. I have an appt. with the urologist in a couple of weeks just for a check up from Dec. and I'm having anxiety about it b/c I fear that protein will once again be there. I also have my yearly exam in August that I dread too.

Has anyone else dealt with this? I've been told that protein can sometimes be transient in some people, or that some people just always have some show up and it doesn't mean anything bad. My urologist told me that women in general tend to have blood show up in their urine. At any rate, these thoughts drive me insane and slowly take away my joy.

12-06-09, 19:57
You are right to have a follow up but you have to remember that you have been told you are fine by more than one doctor and of those doctors was a specialist. Yes some people have traces in the urine when they are fine so don't freak too much about that. Stay away from google and go play with your kid to get your mind off of it. Good luck and know that you can post anything here and not be judged. Good luck and keep us posted on the results. I want to be able to cheer for you when everthing comes back fine.

12-06-09, 20:15
I have told other posters about this before but here goes and hope it helps you. I am now 48 yrs old and at age 21 I was told I had blood and protein in my urine - this was before ultrasounds were good enough and I had to have the iv pyelogram under x ray and totally fine with bladder and kidneys. Then years later they introduced those dreaded dip sticks for urine and everysingle one I had showed up trace amounts or more of blood and protein. I once again had loads of blood tests for kidneys and numerous ultrasounds and urine tests. Eventually saw urologist who said I had leaky kidneys - all it means is that I have larger than normal filters on my kidneys that leak blood and protein - its completely normal for me. If I don't drink enough for long enough then the blood becomes visible but this has only ever happened once when it was very hot and I was working hard and hardly drinking. Once again all the tests and me freaked out thinking I had kidney cancer and again nothing.
The dip stick tests are super sensitive ( don't I know) and once you have had tests if they are normal then its just you.
don't forget you can be told you have kidney disease at that point in time - a kidney infection can be classed as kidney disease but it gets better.

15-06-09, 18:47
Thanks everyone. Actually in the midst of all the tests i've had, I've had a CT and a sonogram done on my kidneys and those have come back fine as well. I do have a couple of "simple" cysts on both, but they have not changed in size and my urologist says they are nothing to worry about, and common. I tend to think I am just someone who will tend to have a bit of protein present...transient protein. I also do not drink enough...just not a thirsty person. My cousin has the same problem with protein and her nephrologist has told her that it's because she doesn't hydrate herself enough. However I shared that theory with my former GP and he disagreed completely and freaked me out even more! I agree that the dip sticks are ultra sensitive. Jusy like when I went in for a UTI-it showed the blood to diagnose the UTI, but no protein. At follow up-no blood, but protein. Weird-and it made me uncomfortable that my GP (again, former) was puzzled by that. I think doctors should be eduacated on bedside manner and how to NOT scare a patient!

Anyway, I have my annual physical tomorrow (I was worked in early) with a new GP so I guess I will see how it all turns out.