View Full Version : Brain Tumor or Anxiety? Please Help!

12-06-09, 17:14
hi every one. i am new to this site so im wondering if any-one can help me. i am a 21 year old girl and recently lost my father to cancer. he had a brain tumor secondary to lung cancer. around a month ago i started to be convinced that i too had a brain tumor. it started off with headaches and then memory loss and slight confusion. i went to the docs and she gave me some tablets for axiety and this seemed to help for a few weeks but now its back. ive got persistent headaches mainly in my forhead and the top of my head and poor concentration (probably because all i can think of is brain tumors) i know that its probably anxiety, i start analizing every thing that im doing to see if i forget anything, then get upset if i do. so i do know that im looking for these kind of symptoms too much, which causes my head to be all over the place, which ultimatly makes me think there is something wrong! its a vicious circle that i desperatly want to beat. my life should be about living not about worrying about death! any advice would be very much appreaciated! :yesyes:

12-06-09, 17:22
:D Hi Sarah, please do not worry. I had a brain tumour removed last feb, and what you are experiencing is i am sure anxiety. I never had any headaches, mine was diagnosed by me having a seizure, which is one of the first symptoms you get, apparently.

I only suffered anxiety after the op, i was worried that it may come back !!!
But after finding this site my anxiety has gone after all the reassurance i received on here. My sypmtoms went after i realised that they were due to stress etc.

Very sorry about your problems, please try not to worry. If you want to send me a private message any time please do.

Take care
Mandy xx:bighug1:

12-06-09, 17:24
:D Sorry sarah, i meant to add that i had visual problems and confusion all due to stress. Very sorry about your father. xx

12-06-09, 17:34
thank you for replying and i am sorry to hear about the recent problems you had. i am so glad ive found this site i dont feel as alone now. its hard for me to talk to any of my friends about this as i dont feel they could understand. i just get sympathy when i really need some practical advice! i just want this to go away and 2 feel normal again. its just takes up my thoughts 24/7

12-06-09, 17:46
:yesyes: It will ease sarah, you have yourself been through a traumatic time, keep coming on here and get the support of everyone, and you will find how much better you will begin to feel. PM me anytime, i only come on here now and again, just to be of help if i can. I have my MRI scan in August, so i am hoping all is ok. Try to distract yourself from your thoughts( i know this is hard) but i found that really helps. Keep yourself busy.

Take care
Mandy xx:flowers:

12-06-09, 18:54
it is mainly the brain tumor thing that gets me but i do get other worries too. i recently had a biopsy done on my breast after i found a lump and keep worrying that they gave me the wrong diagnosis. also when i noticed strands of my hair were coming out easier than usual i worried the stress of my HA was causing alopecia! it sounds ridiculous but to me its so real and scary. any one else in similar situations?