View Full Version : New and more arm lumps... cancer?

12-06-09, 17:38
(Posted the top part from an earlier post - added additional things to the bottom)

I have had this pain under my arm for the last 3 weeks to a month or so. It's a weird sort of pain, so forgive my all-over-the-place-ness while I try to explain it well. Half the time I have it, it feels like it's on the skin.. almost like a burning, like I've cut myself and something got into the cut. The other half the time I have it, it feels like it's entirely internal, and when I press on it, it hurts. I have one small skin tag under that arm, I don't know if that could be in any way related but I figured I'd add it in just in case... it has never hurt or caused me any irritation or problems and as far as I know it hasn't changed any since I've had it. I swear I can feel a lump, although I'm not sure if it's actually there or I'm just convinced now that it is, but I'm PRETTY sure that it actually is. Some days it doesn't really bother me at all, but some days it hurts a lot more. When I first got it, I was due for my period that same week, so I wrote it off to potentially just being hormonal. Now, again, when I am panicking about it oddly enough, I am due for my period this week, which is probably why I am stressing about it again. Does anyone know what it could be? I have noticed that sometimes when I shave my underarms it feels a little tender, again, almost like it's on the skin. When I put deodorant on (I use that Secret Clinical antiperspirant stuff, if it matters) and I push down on it with that, it gets tender, again, like it's internal.

I have a skin tag under this arm, I dunno if that could be the cause or have anything to do with it, but it sits just above where the pain is at. Last night I was laying down and feeling around (which is always a bad idea, especially when I am exhausted because I work myself up into a frenzy) and now it feels as though there is another lump, just at the top part of my arm... the inner curve where the inner arm goes into the breast area. This lump feels a lot bigger, and does not hurt when I press on it really except when my fingers get too close to the other lump. Now I am scared half to death I am going to die from this, even though I never thought I had real reason to worry about cancer before. I am in another state until August, which makes it so I can't get to my GP, I had a physical scheduled for the week after I get home but I am terrified of it being something more serious.

12-06-09, 19:39
Lumps or the perception of lumps are always scary. the worst part is that you can make a perfectly normal, non-swollen lymph node swell up just by pushing on it several times a day. I have battled anxiety for years and I know what you are going through. If you are not having any other symptoms and you are not even sure you have a lump, then I would say you are fine. Go to your GP in August and talk about your concerns. Keep a journal of when you notice the pain and if the pain is the same all the time. Most likely it won't be the same or the same place and this is a classic symptom of anxiety. Good luck

12-06-09, 20:26
I had a lump under my armpit a few months ago which was quite painful. I went to see my gp and he said if it was cancer it would be painless. The lump went in a couple of days and havent come back. Still dont know what it was though:shrug: