View Full Version : I dont know what is wrong with me, please help :/

12-06-09, 17:40

Im 19 years old and currently at university
Ive been suffering from anxiety for around 6 months, i found this out after having an anxiety attack and ending up in hospital thinking im having a heart attack, it was linked with alcohol. Ever since then ive been trying to cut down on alcohol and been getting symptons such as feeling pressure around the heart area.

Anyway recently past this week ive been getting these bad upper chest pains, it happened on the monday and prior to that i went out on the friday and sunday on the lash drank quite a bit, so come monday night and i got these really bad upper chest pains like just under my neck, they spread at times to my throat and arms i was scared that i was having a heart attack and didnt know what to do, i tried falling asleep and eventually i did but woke up at 6am and had the same symtoms so i called up NHS Direct and they told me to take some painkillers and go to bed so i did and it was fine. So i went to doctors following day and he said it could be something with my upper rib, so forwarded me to a Rheumatologist.

However last night I had some cannabis is was only a small amount with 2 friends, and and pain started again later on in the night, i knew this was my anxiety so tried to ignore it and took some painkillers again. I woke up this morning i had this pain on the left side of my chest and when i breathed in and moved a certain way it hurt, so i guess it was my left lung. I tried searching it up and people were saying that i should get an xray done that it could be not anxiety but some other thing.

I had some bloodtests done and they came out fine, also an ECG and the doctor said nothing was wrong with it. Also seen a Heart Specialist and he said everything is fine just cut down the alcohol. I dont know what to do should i see my doctor again and ask for an xray(i dont want to seem like a pest and a weirdo going doctors every other week about stuff), could i indeed have lung cancer?

This is bothering me so much i want to get rid of anxiety but it seems like im always worrying about something....

Thank you for reading

12-06-09, 19:34
Being new to anxiety I so feel for your confusion and pain. I have dealt with anxiety for many years and still don't have a complete handle on it. As for your pain, it could be something with a rib but it sounds just like a panic attack. The word hypochondria actually means below the chest because that is where it is ofton felt first. I do yoga and other relaxation stuff to keep my anxiety down a bit. I also go for a run to fight it. I know it is scary when it comes on with a vengeance for no good reason. There are lots of good books on the topic. I like anything from Claire Weekes or from Asmundson(sp?). If a chest xray will make you feel better then ask for it but try very hard not to fall into the cycle of painkillers for getting to sleep. Valerium root helps, so does chami tea. You will find lots of people on this site that won't judge and will listen. Good luck.

Skyline On Fire
12-06-09, 19:38
Honestly. Stop with the drugs. I know you probably hear it a lot being at uni, but alcohol and cannabis both impact your state of mind in ways you dont understand. This is going to be a huge factor in your increase of anxiety im sure of it.

12-06-09, 20:02
alcohol makes anxiety soooooo much worse. i promise. it might not seem like it when you are drunk, but you will pay for it when you sober up and feel ten times worse. try to stay away from it.

12-06-09, 21:06
I dont do drugs a lot, only like once a month if that, I didnt know you can get all these kinds of symptoms with anxiety sometimes i just find it hard to believe all this can be just to do with the mind :/ really finding it hard to cope with it :(

13-06-09, 05:37
Finding it hard to believe this is all anxiety is what this forum is all about. Don't feel bad if you can't convince yourself that anxiety is causing all this horrible sensations. If we could turn it off, we wouldn't be here. What we all try to do for each other is listen and not judge and try to help. I am 20 yrs older than you, I live half a world away, I will probably never meet you yet you (and the others on this board) understand my daily struggle better than my most loved ones. With time and effort you can get control of your anxiety. You might never fully kick it to the curb but you WILL come to terms with it and more times than not you WILL no longer be a slave to it. I say all this with the fear of about 12 different horrible diseases floating around in my head but I get out of bed everyday and keep trying. I have a relatively normal life and you will too. I promise.

13-06-09, 11:10
I dont do drugs a lot, only like once a month if that, I didnt know you can get all these kinds of symptoms with anxiety sometimes i just find it hard to believe all this can be just to do with the mind :/ really finding it hard to cope with it :(
Yes you do drugs once a month and that is how most people who do drugs try and justify it! All cannabis will end up doing is making your mental health problems more severe. I honestly think you need to see a professional to help you overcome your addictions. Anyway, rant over and hope you get better soon x

14-06-09, 17:50
Yes you do drugs once a month and that is how most people who do drugs try and justify it! All cannabis will end up doing is making your mental health problems more severe. I honestly think you need to see a professional to help you overcome your addictions. Anyway, rant over and hope you get better soon x

I'm not addicted at all, so I dont know why your making it into such a big thing, quite patronising you saying that i need to seek professional help...

Has anyone heard of The Linden Method? Has that helped anyone to overcome their anxiety?

14-06-09, 18:09
Hiya Hun,

I would cut down on the cannabis, I don't think it is as harmless as people make it out to be these days people smoke skunk which can be genetically modified so it can be a lot stronger and have more of an effect than the stuff people used to smoke years ago anyway its not for me to judge what you do, but after drinking your blood sugar is all over the place so that can make anxiety worse, also when at university your sleep patterns can be all over the place ie classic burning the candle at both ends, try not to worry too much, take it easy for a bit and try to look after yourself and the anxiety may fade away.

Take care


PS I have heard of the Linden method, I think it is quite expensive but I believe a lot of what he teaches can be learnt on here but if you can afford it go for it.

16-06-09, 11:51
I'm not addicted at all, so I dont know why your making it into such a big thing, quite patronising you saying that i need to seek professional help...

Has anyone heard of The Linden Method? Has that helped anyone to overcome their anxiety?

Well i don't care that you find it patronising I was only speaking the truth in regards to your post. I was only trying to help but then again I know from experience that i was wasting my time and that you just cannot reason with someone like you! I will give my advice to someone who really needs it next time.