View Full Version : Really feeling down

04-09-05, 20:11
Hi all

I just wanted to post to have a bit of a moan really.

I have been having PA's for nearly 3 weeks now. I have never experienced them before in my life.

Anyway, I am due to start my college course on Tuesday as I want to be a Midwife, but I'm not going now. I really can't these attacks are getting worse I can barely leave the house.

On the day of my first PA I was driving home from an accupuncture session for a bad back. Last week my husband took me back for another session and I was panicing like mad, it got so bad that my accupuncturist suggested that I try again this week, but I am terrified and that is what isn't helping, although he says he can cure my PA's.

I am gutted, if things carry on like this I will never get to go to my little boy's school plays or anything. To make matters worse Josh has lots of allergies and last night he was ill again and we had to take him to hospital. I am so scared I will lose him one day and that fuels my PA's. Also Rob (hubby) is away on a course this week and I am so scared of being on my own. He has been a great support to me lately and I am really going to miss him.

I have worked my butt off to get onto this college course and now I can't go, I am so upset I just want to constantly cry.

I'm sorry if I bored you all but I raelly needed to get this off my chest.

Thanks for listening

Tash xx

Mum to Josh and wife to Rob.

04-09-05, 20:29
hi Tash,

Sorry to hear about what sounds like 3 weeks from hell!! The good thing is that this is a relatively new thing with you...therefore having panic attacks is still 'strange' and has not yet become the norm. If I were you, I would go see my GP asap. He/she will let you know what options are available for you. Please don't get in the habit of not going anywhere because that habit will later be hard to kick. I know it's scary, but do get out as much as possible even if it is close to home and only once a day..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-09-05, 18:59
hi tash, i have been suffering with panic attacks for 3 years now and like you i worried about not being able to do things that concern my son, the mistake i made was allowed it to stop me from going out and so on, it got to the point where i couldnt leave the house, but now i have been able to push myself and can go shopping and take my son to nursery and so on, as i cant drive i have to walk everywhere,so that has helped me back on to the road of recovery. my advice to you is please dont let panic attacks control your life to the extent where u are avoiding places and so on as it will get to the point where u will not leave your house at all and that is not good, thats what i did and had to work realy hard to get out and about again. i know its scary and i know all you feel like doing is avoiding going out but you just have to remind yourself that its just a feeling and just a thought and it is not real and you will never come to any harm having a panic attack. i hope this helps and feel free to pm me any time. takecare xx.


05-09-05, 21:14
hey dont be so hard on yourself!!!!!!!
it is hard but if you read back all of what you have written you will see there are alot of negative things you were writing. you are obviously a very loving mother and would really like to see your childs play, so when you think you cant go its triggering it all off. and saying you cant leave the house is another block sub conciously!! yeah its hard but just changing those little things you think to yourself automaticly trigger negative thaughts and feelings. instead of saying you cant, say youll try. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!! the worst is a panic, youll not die! or crack up!

try positive affermations to yourself, breathing techneques, try looking at your diet.........try to chnage the thaughts that hurt you so much xxxxxxxxxxxx
i wish you all the best xxxxxxxxxxx

05-09-05, 21:36

Think of this week now - not next month yet

You are acute right now and that can pass.

I wouldn't put all your eggs in the acupuncture basket although it can help a lot.

What did your doctor say ?

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-09-05, 23:18
Hi Tash

Sorry that things arent going well for you.

I know you are not feeling well at the moment but are you sure that you cannot face starting your course.

I have dismissed so many opportunities due to my anxiety and only when i felt stronger did i wish i hadnt done so.

Is there any chance that you can maybe take the first few weeks off and then see how you feel and how things are going in your life.

You will probably have being told loads of times that it is something you wanted to do and why give up, but suffering myself i do understand how hard it is and people that havent felt like this do not totally understand.

I hope you start to feel better soon and if at worst you can enrol next year if you really dont feel up to the course this year.

Let us know how you are getting on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".