View Full Version : For all those worried about swine flu right now...

Skyline On Fire
12-06-09, 19:33
Im really getting annoyed at the media coverage. Il point out the reasons this virus CANNOT become another 1918 style mass killer.

1. The basic one, a virus will only evolve/mutate when it deems it necessary to increase its transfer rate, and guaruntee its survival. Right now its doing a 99 percent perfect job of both of those, it has no need to evolve. Its highly contageous, and is being passed around perfectly.

2. A very deadly virus gives itself a problem. It kills the host. If the virus kills the host, it doesnt infect as many people, so its counter productive to the virus to mutate into this form.

3. In 2005, a team of scientists from Mount Sinai medical school rebuilt the 1918 influenza strain using fragments of old lung tissue from the victims of that strain. It was noted this is such a rare occurence, once in a 10 millenia. And that was the very worst a flu virus can get. Even faced with that virus again, nowhere near that number would die. After world war 2, poverty was rife, awful sanitary conditions, zero anti virals etc.... and squalid conditions meant that the virus passed through the very unhealthy population in comparison with todays people, incredibly quickly and violently. If that strain ever made another pass at us, the death count would be at least three quarters less than it was then. At least.

4. Flu chromosomes are quite simple — eight short strands of RNA that issue the genetic code for a grand total of 11 proteins. They break apart in a jumble inside cells they infect, and then they reassemble, picking up random bits of other flus, which makes the results unpredictable. The swine flu strain lacks several genes known to increase lethality, including those that code for two proteins known as PB1-F2 and NS-1, and one that codes for a tongue-twister called the polybasic hemagglutinin cleavage site.
PB1-F2 appears to weaken the protective membrane of the energy-producing mitochondria in an infected cell, ultimately killing the cell. Specifically, it attacks dendritic cells, the sentinels of the immune system. Its lethality could be accidental — a protein good at killing sentries might just go on killing other cells once inside the fort. All pandemic flus, including those of the Spanish, Hong Kong and Asian flus, make PB1-F2. So does the H5N1 bird flu. The current swine strain does not. The NS-1 protein also maims the immune response by blocking interferon, an antiviral protein made by cells. Hence the fact there are NO cytokine storms in any of the victims.

Basically.... This virus cannot even mutate into something as bad as the hong kong or asian flu, let alone the spanish influenza of 1918! Worst case scenario? It becomes resistant to tamiflu, which wouldnt be great, but since hardly anyone in the US is being given tamiflu out of the several million suspected cases they have had already, with only 30 deaths or so, most in previously ill people, its really nothing to be incredibly worried about. Right now its weaker than regular seasonal flu. And scientists cant see it getting any worse, it pretty much cant. The media have made the biggest crisis out of this as they can, and im sick of hearing two bit "experts" instead of the scientists who actually know about the virus.

Just my 2 cents, but hopefully it will reassure some of you.

Oh and.... just for kicks....


Lets try and keep things in perspective :) its not a serious illness. Promise :)

12-06-09, 21:41
I just try not to think about the swineflu...and being honest ive got other things on my mind more important. But thanks for that post its nice to see someone being level headed and it really puts it into perspective.
Thanks for that.
Take care

12-06-09, 22:17
That certainly puts things into perspective. Surprisingly for me (and my relatives and close freinds!) I havent been that worried about it and try and not listen or read the news when it comes on.

Thanks for that though nice to see it clearly

Skyline On Fire
13-06-09, 03:20
That certainly puts things into perspective. Surprisingly for me (and my relatives and close freinds!) I havent been that worried about it and try and not listen or read the news when it comes on.

Thanks for that though nice to see it clearly

Good to hear, keep that attitude. Nothing to worry about

claire m
16-06-09, 22:23
thanks for that skyline it helped me loads.
was that your comment i read on fergus walshs blog on the bbc website? if so i thought it was very well written.xx

29-06-09, 10:06
Just found this post helped alot ! :D thank you

29-06-09, 18:16
Nice post, very interesting and it will reassure many people who are currently worried about Swine Flu.

Nice one, Skyline.

Chrissy xx

29-06-09, 20:38
Excellent. I have been fuming also about the pandemic since it started. Whatever next, a pandemic of the common cold because 225 people catch it worldwide?
The media have a LOT to answer for..
Good work on bringing things into perspective.

Deepest Blue
29-06-09, 20:50
Do you remember back in what was it 1996 when BSE become the huge topic of worry and that everybody was going to develop nvCJD and by 2005 half the population was going to be dead from it... hmm.. look what happened there, you never hear anything anymore about it now. As has been said, the Media has made so much of it than it should be.

30-06-09, 15:06
Where did you get all this info from and is it good?

I was near a suspected case at the weekend, only found out today, and I'm quite worried. More from my GF who is 20 weeks pregnant.

05-07-09, 12:43
Myself, my kids and my husband all have suspected swine flu at the moment and are on Tamiflu - guess what? It feels like a really bad cold. i don't feel exactly fantastic and am going to lie down now, but I am able to go on the PC and type this message, which is more than I could do 4 years ago when I had "normal" flu.

I thought there may be a few on the forum panicking, so I thought I would share and say, in my experience, although I don't feel well, I certainly don't feel like I'm at death's door.

(Still having panic attacks about it though, so I do know how some of you are feeling).

05-07-09, 18:18
Bellabum, thankyou for this very useful post. I hope you all start to feel better soon.
I was reading last night that if 'anyone' has flu (not a cold but proper flu) at the moment or over the next few weeks and they are in a high risk area for swine flu cases then you have prob already had it. Well, I had flu (only the 2nd time in my life of having proper flu) at the end of may beginning of June! I did wonder at the time to be honest if it could be as a few of my friends also had the flu and their teenage children. Apparently as we are out of season for seasonal flu then the chances are that it is or was swine flu. I am also from the west mids where we have high numbers of cases. If it was, then thats fine, I'm ok but I think we probably all have to get used to the fact now that if we havn't had it aready, we are more than likely going to catch it by the way its spreading. I will follow the guidelines given out and treat as any ordinary flu.

05-07-09, 18:28

I guess i'm not alone in this or maybe i am but i'm having 2 or 3 panic attacks every day over the swine flu and i think the day all my recent health anxiety problems really came to a head was the day they rose the alert level to 5 (i think one off from it becoming a pandemic)

I'm now taking valium 3 times a day and beta blockers twice a day, i haven't watched the news or picked up a paper in weeks because i'm petrified for myself, my partner and chidlren. I'm also permanently spaced out and not much fun to be around as a consequence.

So, can anyone verify the first post as that would massively help but i think until i catch the virus, which i see as inevitable, and either live or die from it i'm going to be a total wreck.

I know this probably sounds ridiculous to everyone reading it and a few months ago i'd have been laughing at the news reports myself but my whole life just feels on hold now.

05-07-09, 18:39
the worrier, you don't sound riddiculous at all. You are worried about it and thats a natural instinct, however, I honestly think its getting to the point now with this flu that it 'seems' to be inevitable that a lot of people are going to catch it. I wish there was a magic wand I could wave to make it all go away as I really do understand people's anxiety over this, particularly families who have members with health issues. We don't seem to be being told enough about it, but that could be a good thing? as we will either worry more OR it isn't enough for us to be worried about if you get what I mean. Are you this worried about catching ordinary flu each year? I'd bet not and sadly MANY MANY people die from ordinary flu, and certainly more than has died from swine flu! I'm nervous about it and probably the majority of the country are but we cannot do anything to avoid it unfortunately. Follow the guidelines, washing hands etc etc and at least you are protecting yourself as much as you can. What is the point of worrying about something we cannot change hun? No matter where we went to get away from it, its still going to be there! Try not to let the worry 'make' you ill.

06-07-09, 12:36
my sister and her baby son and her partner have been given tamiflu today
my sister says she just feels like she has a cold but still they need to be carefull
but my sister rung work and she explained there on tamiflu has the doctors says its procaution and not to leave the house for 5 or 6 days till symptoms have disapeard but her boss says she has to go in
which i think its wrong because thats just spreading an illness i get so mad
we havent been round my sister while shes been ill but i am worried has im emetophobic and heard the flu causing vomiting and tamiflu also causes vomiting

so im guna be no good if it is which i doubt very muuch they dont have swine flu theres no outbreak in this town as yet! jinx touch wood
i panic just getting a cold but my cbt told me people what panic are less likely to catch any virus because our pH rises and stops the virus from mutating which as put my mind at rest a little if you read up about your pH it explains stuff its to do with adrenalin its causes your pH level to rise which makes virus weak

06-07-09, 18:22
Just got a letter to say that a member of my daughters school has swine flu but they are not closing the school as the council say it has spread to much now :scared15:

I have been in bed ill with a cold/virus but had improved today...

If the letter had of come out friday i would have been in a panic

I am very concerned tho as it is so close and as i also tend to pick up every bug going and i suffer worse as i have other medical problems.


Just a little worried now :scared10:

06-07-09, 19:23
i shouldnt worry because if you tell the doctor your suffering flu like symptoms swine flu or not they give u tamiflu
id ring your doctor tomorrow and explain you have been feeling poorly
my sisters sons only got a cold and they gave him tamiflu

14-07-09, 00:56
That is a great post, Skyline on Fire :) .

What do you think of the article in "The Independent" about this ? (Link below)


I don't normally stress about this kind of stuff but, as someone with an underlying health condition, I must admit I'm feeling nervous about this, though I'm sure the media aren't helping.