View Full Version : crohns & fibromyaglia

12-06-09, 20:30
I have crohns plus fibromyaglia, everyday is a struggle for me.
i am in pain everyday.
I have my crohns in remission at mo.
Most of my problems are connected to the fibro.
It affects your nervous system, every muscle in your body aches, there is no cure, just pain relief.

Does anyone else suffer with the above?

12-06-09, 21:16
Hi betty boop
I have fibro i have been diagnosed for just over a year but have been suffering for a approx 4. Please free free to pm me as i dont check the threadsan awful lot.

Take care xxx

12-06-09, 21:17
I have Crohns and been off work 9 months with it! Just about in remission now though!

12-06-09, 21:23
I'm sorry you are suffering from such debilatating conditions. I don't have personal experience of those particular illnesses, but I do know what it is like to be in pain every day. I have had periods in my life over the past 20 years when I've had pain every day for 2 years or more before it has subsided. Something triggers the pain, and then I am stuck with it for months. It is terrible for the sufferer and for the people around the sufferer. There are times when you wonder how you manage to get on with life being in pain all the time.

All I can say is that I empathise with you and you are certainly not alone.
Thinking of you:hugs:

12-06-09, 21:54
thanks for all your replies.:hugs: