View Full Version : Help - I dont want to google

12-06-09, 21:03

I am sitting here and all of a sudden my lips have started itching and I am really hot - i just saw my face in the mirror and it is bright red. Have been really paranoid all week - have had issues with my tongue and now this. Does anyone know what it could be??

12-06-09, 21:12
Could be a slight allergy to something you've either eaten or applied to your skin, but the symptoms also fit with anxiety as well. It doesn't sound like anything serious, so try not to worry.

12-06-09, 21:34
Alcohol causes the face to go red, its just a common harmess sideeffect.

Im not sure if its that but if so there you go :)

12-06-09, 21:39
it sound like anxiety to me, my face often goes red when im anxious try not to worry!!

12-06-09, 22:05
Thanks. Am trying not to worry - just having a terrible week and the slightest thing is setting me off. Have sat with a cold flannel on my face which seems to have helped a bit though still itchy.
I have had one glass of wine tonight so was maybe that but thought I would have had to have more to cause that reaction?

13-06-09, 09:11
Thanks. Am trying not to worry - just having a terrible week and the slightest thing is setting me off. Have sat with a cold flannel on my face which seems to have helped a bit though still itchy.
I have had one glass of wine tonight so was maybe that but thought I would have had to have more to cause that reaction?

Sometimes it can be an allergic reaction, I used to be a big drinker but as soon as I touch it now I could stop traffic with the redness. I think mine starts with the body reacting then keeps going because I worry.

16-06-09, 08:10
Have you tried keeping antihistamines to hand, I have a thing about allergies and when I am on a roll can convince myself, and get physical symptoms, that I am allergic to loads of things. When I feel that bad I take a pill and it calms me down. If by any chance it was a mild allergic reaction, and it obviously isn't serious, one would sort it out.

Hope you feel calmer soon

p.s. When I am anxious and get panicky I go bright red and get really hot that's just part of the experience ! My tongue can also feel swollen when I am dehydrated, keep sipping water, it has been very warm and most of us don't drink enough.