View Full Version : are these seizures?

12-06-09, 22:23
ive been worried again i had this wierd head turn yesterday like waves going through my head and feeling really wierd then my mood changed and i felt really tired i'm sure i had a seizure the type you have when youre awake i've had an eeg and brain scan but these were normal.i've been diagnosed with anxiety proscribed prozac too scared to take it but i also get derealisation when i have one of these episodes feeling like im in a dream.god i'd love to be normal again!i read on google that all these symptoms can be related to seizures.these strange symptoms are making my life hell any help would be so gladly received.i also get swallowing problems and feeling like i;m not getting enough air like i cant take a deep breath.i just dont believe this is anxiety i honestly think i'm dying by some horrible undetected thing.

12-06-09, 22:30
been like you for 3 years now ... started at 40 ... I don't get the shortness of breath but everything u describe. Been to many docs. Was worried about seizures (petite mal) ....... brain like moves, dizzy ... spacey, confused, derealization and on and on ..... very jittery today, only think I know is I had minimal sleep last night. Was up chatting till 3 am ... big no no for me. Can always tell, next day is crap. And has a migraine today. YOU might be having headaches without the pain. ~M

12-06-09, 23:25
im really sorry i cant help you with this but drummermike, do you find you get migraines from bad sleep? im trying to work mine out!

12-06-09, 23:40
im really sorry i cant help you with this but drummermike, do you find you get migraines from bad sleep? im trying to work mine out!

the're so unpredictable. But lack of sleep definitely increases my stress levels which then I keep headaches. But I am always stuffed up (nose) and use nasal spray a lot. I notice if I used nasal spray 2 or more days in a row I will get a migraine type headache. It's all so confusing ya know?

Today is the first day in a long time that I am very wooz, racey feeling, internal tremble feeling and headache. Just no more answers.

Mike ;)

20-06-09, 00:23
Hi I understand about the brain wooshes its what i would like to call it. Its all so scary anything to do with the brain gets me really bad.

20-06-09, 01:44
I really dont think you are having seizures. Everything you described sounds exactly like anxiety and the symptoms. I know its hard to believe that anxiety can cause such turmoil, but it can. The one thing I can tell you for sure that is once you have been diagnosed with anxiety, never and I mean never google medical advice again. It will give you the worst answer for everything and for people like us who already think that way, it is no help whatsoever. Take care and take it one day at a time.

20-06-09, 22:50
For the record, MY panic attacks are more like what you describe and less like what most people describe. It's different for everyone. I very rarely have the rapid breath symptom that most people with panic have. I usually get a "wave" like feeling.. comes and goes every few seconds for anywhere from a couple minutes to 10. During this time I also feel very "unreal" and like I might be going crazy. I have an extreme urge to pace or leave whatever room I'm in. After the "attack" wears off I am yawning/sleeping and I feel drained. The sleepiness usually goes hand-in-hand with how long the attack lasted. If the attack was only a minute or two, I might not feel tired at all. If the attack lasted 5 or more minutes, I'm more likely to be sleepy. This type of attack has been happening to me on and off for 5 years now. I have gone months at a time without any and I have also had multiple ones within a weeks time. At my "worst" I was having them nearly daily. I've been to multiple doctors and although I've not had any sort of scans, they've all told me it's anxiety/panic. At first I was reluctant to believe it because I thought to myself "but sometimes nothing is wrong". Occasionally they will occur when I'm already upset/anxious, but there have been many times when they've just been completely sudden.

Oh and, just so you know, nearly any kind of physical symptom you can think of can be related to seizures. It's the same as cancer. If you type in any random symptom like "eyelid twitch" along with "seizure" I can bet you that you'll find at least a dozen websites confirming your worst fear. Not to mention that the symptoms of seizures are caused by your brain, just like anxiety symptoms are.. so a lot of those are going to overlap.