View Full Version : HELP!! My nose is burning inside, and i felt like i couldnt breathe!! anxiety or ??

12-06-09, 23:50
Help! for the last 3 days my nose has been burning inside. and sometimes my cheeks too. i have some sort of fluid running down from my nose into my throat and then i get a real bitter taste, and end up in a panic attack :( also today, i was sitting at the table and all of a sudden i could smell something almost like a must smell. It felt like when you drive on a dirt road with the car windows down and i couldnt breathe. i've been having sever anxiety/panic attacks over this!!! i'm out in the country for a few days(about an hour away from a doctor, which also worries me because i m terrified that i might die or somthing!! i'm so sick of living like this. what if it really is something serious thou :( :( :(

13-06-09, 01:41
Hayfever! I get this same thing from hayfever and allergies. I use my Netti Pot each night when they get bad and I rub Vicks inside my nose before bed. Good luck! Dont worry...it is very common! Try an over the counter allergy med.

13-06-09, 12:42
Almost certainly hayfever or an allergic reaction to something that you are not familiar with but have come into contact with recently. Really bad time for hay fever sufferers just now..my whole family suffering. Anti allery tabs such as Zirtec, Piriton ect will help or a nasal spray. I have to use both. Good luck and please don't worry any more...uncomfortable but not serious, I would guess. :shades: :hugs: :shades:

25-06-09, 01:34
thanks for your replies!!! its been 2 weeks now, and i now have more symptoms! i made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, i will certainly ask him about hay fever! I am so scared still. i now have a sore throat, neck, and back. plus headache and hot flashes :(