View Full Version : left sided pain - still stressed

13-06-09, 09:23
Have had left sided pain for 3 weeks now , plus constipation and diahorrea.
Had some bleeding - gp said this was caused from fissure.
Suffer from ibs , but gp said need to have colonscopy to make sure its not diverculitis.
NOW more anxious then ever - has anyone had left sided pain that was ibs and not diverculitis.
Feel so depressed and scared.
Had colonscopy in past that was ok but that was 8 years ago!!!
Feel that straining has caused my bowel problems.
Have become obsessed.
Please HElP...

13-06-09, 10:08

Read my posts to darwin 73 that i replied to last night, they may be of help to you, as it discusses a similar issue.

Take care

P x:flowers:

13-06-09, 16:29
I too posted to Darwin for the same thing. Long story short Metamucil is a life saver and yes I get this type of pain all the time.