View Full Version : Mother in hospital and I feel totally lost

13-06-09, 11:20
Hi Everyone,

I have a long history of anxiety and worrying about even small things. I am in my early 30s and still live with my mother, I don't get on well with other people and have an incredibly low self esteem.

My mother is my whole world, I feel she is the only person that truly understands and appreciates me. She is my best friend. Two years ago she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and every single day since then my mind is just churning over all the time with worry that she's going to die and how I couldn't cope without her. She's now down to about 10% of her kidney function and will have to start kidney dialysis very soon. I am terrified and just feel in turmoil all the time.

In the early hours of last saturday she suffered a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. The past week has been the absolute worst of my life. I have a constant "knot" in my stomach, I feel sick, I can't eat, I don't want to do anything. I cry all the time. I can't even watch TV as I can't concentrate on anything. I tried going to work but wasn't happy there either, so I have now taken a week off. I went to the doctor and he gave me a months supply of citalopram, but after reading the side effects I am too scared to take them.

I want to be in the hospital with my mother all the time, I only have slight relief from this pain when I am by her side and can see that she is OK - but the visiting hours are pathetic and I can only see her for a maximum of 3 hours a day.

The other day they performed an angiogram on her, and that was the very worst day. I read about the complications that can happen and spent the whole time fearing she would die from it. She came through it OK but afterwards they transferred her to ANOTHER hospital, with a kidney unit as they said they are expecting some chemical used in the angiogram to reduce her kidney function even more and that she may suddenly need emergency dialysis over the next few days.

Now I am getting into a panic that she will never come home and catch some hospital infection like MRSA and I am making myself feel really really awful.

I have talked a bit to my neighbours about it and I can tell that they think I am totally overreacting and probably think I am a complete loon. I wish they could understand how real this pain is for me and just how lost I am without my mother. I really need her to come home.

13-06-09, 12:53
You are not a 'loon' and it is very natural to have this worry and fear about your mother to whom you are obviously very close. Firstly you know that she is getting the best possible care and they will be finding out the best and most effective treatment for her condition. Secondly, you will need to be strong and well to support her when she comes home and if the Doc thinks that you should have some tablets for the short term, I think it would sensible to at least try taking them. If you really don't feel you can do that, perhaps the Dr could prescribe some other tablet that you would feel happier taking. I am so sorry that you are so anxious at present and that you feel that you have no one to confide in. Remember that you can discuss your Mum's treatment with hospital staff who may reassure you and that there are lots of people on this site who will listen and support you. Sending hugs and loads of good wishes...:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-06-09, 13:32
What you are feeling is perfectly understandable.Im so sorry you have no support at home to help you right now .Your poor Mum needs you to stay strong ,so please try to stop thinking the worst.My Mum was in hospital a while back with cancer and my Dad has a condition where he cant deal with stress without medication,(Cushings syndrome).I felt as you do right now ,so I truly understand what you are going through.Try to be positive ,your Mum is being well looked after and will get the best care.Take each day at a time and please stop googling.You will get through this ,so will your Mum.There is plenty of support on here for you ,so keep posting ,you are not alone .Love to you both Hugs Sue:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

15-06-09, 00:18
Thanks to those who have responded, I appreciate your kind words.

Hopefully Mum will be home in the next day or two, and I feel a little better, but know that my next hurdle is fast approaching, when she gets home I will be anxious that it will happen again. It happened about 1.30am and I know that nights will be a very nervous time for me for a long time to come.

16-06-09, 14:53
I am sorry you are going through this. I hope your mother gets better soon :hugs:
My mother had heart problems from an early age and I remember many days of this awful feeling that I just needed to do ANYTHING just to keep busy and not think about it.
