View Full Version : Debbiele

13-06-09, 15:29
Hi im debbie, i have just started taking citaopram 2nd dose today.:blush:

13-06-09, 15:31
Hi all,
Im new to this website and have read most of your experiances, I have been prescribed citalopram as i have had a massive loss, and i have finally broke down. I am a really chopsy bubbly person full of energy and now gone into a very highly strung, panicky, depressed person who is constantly crying and having mood swings. Im currently off work untill things calm down as i cant face anyone at the moment. I took my first tablet yesterday morning. The doctor said try morning, if it makes you feel too tiered, and its slowing you down then take it in the night. Well i have been heaving since an hour after i took my first tablet, and felt very spaced out an larthegic all day, but strange feelin. I took another this morning and have lyed larthegically on the sofa. I feel spaced and still heaving and cannot be bothered to do anything.Which is not like me as im normally running around with the kids or out shopping. im gonna change the time i take it to night see how i go. I will keep posting by daily experiances. I have had a few worries on taking them as i have never taking meds b4 plus iv read most posts on here, but we r all different and im gonna stick at them leaving my experiance on here along the way. it was nice reading this forum to see all the different opinions it does help. x x :winks: :winks:

13-06-09, 16:21
awww I'm really sorry you have suffered so badly with the meds! hope you are feeling much better soon!!

13-06-09, 17:16
Hi debbiele.

im sorry your having such a rotten time, hopefully with some support from the people on this site, and your meds kicking in, you will start to feel a bit more like yourself, posting your experiences on here regularly is a good way to get continuing support and also gives you a kind of journal to chart your recovery.

I wish you all the very best and will be thinking of you.

P x :flowers:

13-06-09, 21:42
hi im on ctirapram to you will feel better if you take it last thing at night thats wat i found best i have tried different times and in the morning it makes me feel light headed and sick but at night it gives me the will to get up and just takes the edge off the day ahead you might feel more anexious or sick for few days but if you pererve you will feel better you just good days and bad days well i do hope this helps