View Full Version : The worst week of my life :(

13-06-09, 17:57
HI All, well i was on holiday last week and it was lovely first family holiday and i well and truely ruined it. From 2 days in i have had dizzy spells when it feels like i am walking on a boat it almost feels like i am slightly drunk, i have been having muscle twitches in my boobs and i havent had a full nights sleep in a whole week, waking for like 3 hours. I am now convinced its MS and have been in such a state all week, i dont know why im dizzy and i just feel crap. I have been spotting too and i just feel scared that i am going to die. I just cant believe anxiety would cause me to be this dizzy. I am so scared rght now, i have never been in this much panic and i hate myself so much for runing what should have been a perffect week :weep:

13-06-09, 20:12
its probaly nothing for you to worry about! but if your going to worry why not ring nhs direct speak to your gp or see a seedoc if your that worried at least then your mind will be put at rest!!

13-06-09, 20:18
Anxiety can indeed cause you to be that dizzy.
I was once taken to a and e in an ambulance because I was like that, couldn't walk with the dizziness. It turned out it was a very severe panic attack.

13-06-09, 22:01
Hi hun, sorry to hear you had a rotten holiday. Anxiety can definitely cause you to feel dizzy and the fact that you were away probably increased your anxiety a little. I know this because I suddenly started feeling dizzy almost constantly 4 months ago. I was sure it was brain tumour or MS and even paid for MRI scan. It came back normal of course! Gradually after reading lots of posts on here I started to accept the dizziness was anxiety and the more I accepted it and stopped worrying about it the more it faded into the background. I still have it a little but it doen't really bother me anymore. I have new symptoms to worry about now! Try not to worry about it and just get on with your day and it will gradually fade. Good luck.

14-06-09, 03:28
Without a doubt anxiety would make you feel dizzy. It is interesting, some of these episodes come on witha vengeance when we least feel upset and other times they add to an already scary time.

Please, relax, or atleast know that your mind contributes greatly to these situations. Do you know how many times I have read something and swore about 1 hour later that I felt the symptoms the post spoke of?

I know we cannot motivate you to eliminate all those irrational fears. Just know we are all in this huge boat and on that sea of anxiety. However, also know we are moving forward and land is in sight !

Have a good week.


14-06-09, 11:20
hi all, thank you for your replys. the twitches which i can only describe as a popping sensation are bad today but the dizzyness is ok when i am sat down. Am very tearful today though :weep:

14-06-09, 11:34
Could you be pregnant at all?

14-06-09, 12:16
im not sure mabelina why? lol i have been thinking i might do a test to rule it out. I have just realised i mised a pill so that would account for the spotting. I did a test about 4 weeks ago and it was negative so its unlikely but you never knowx

14-06-09, 14:23
Hi Tash
Aww I just saw your post on Facebook and thought i would check on here(dont want to say stuff on there hunny!!).
My thoughts on this are that maybe you are suffering from post natal anxiety.
I can see some of the symptoms that I had after my son some 23 years ago!!! Also, ummmm holidays, they have always been a bit of a worry for me. Obviously now I am a lot older(hey old enough to be your mum chick!!!!) I am more able to control my anxiety but what i do tend to do with holidays is not go too far and maybe only book a Mon---Friday. I seem to enjoy a shorter week/long weekend sooo much better.Also i always think to myself that if i didnt feel too well i could be home in an hour or two!!Mad but that is what works for me:shrug:
I may, if i were you , pop along to your GP and see what their thoughts are on the postnatal anxiety??
I feel sure though it is all defo anxiety related. Dont forget you are very young and you have a very young baby to look after. That is hard work for anyone(speaking from experience) and you need to try and be kind to yourself and relax a bit. Not easy I know xxx

14-06-09, 15:48
Also Tash I noticed you put "what should have been a perfect week".
I just wanted to add that that is what i used to do. I used to think that holidays had to be just perfect, all happy and smiling and when it turned out rubbish(hey and many have over the years) I would be soooo depressed. Now, I just go with the flow. Whatever will be will be and a holiday is better than being stuck at home so even if it is not wonderful it is a change. The more i have the view the better our holidays have seemed. Cos i dont build myself to think it should be wonderful----anything better than ok is just fine.
Hope this makes sense to you hunny xxxx