View Full Version : any one had a feeling like this?

13-06-09, 18:54

sorry to be a pain

on thursday start to have this pain at the back of my mouth. on my right cheek side of my face.
and my glands feel sore and up on the same side. thre sames to be keep getting a bit of mucusin the back hurt's to drink and eat. thought nothing of it but its been todays now and the only time it feels ok is if i take pain kills and still feels hard to drink

i hear this could be Cancer am panicing :weep:

cheers for reading
thank you for any replays

13-06-09, 20:14
it sounds like a sore throat why no pop along to your gp and ring your out of hours sevice for advice and help instead of worring yourself silly for probaly no reason at all!!:D

13-06-09, 20:34
thank you for the reply
well i doing what my mum alway's tell me, when i had anything like, this drink loads and make sure its cold lol.

yea i think your right i mean pain killer's are take most of the pain away
just got to stop pushing and poking.

didnt know you could have a sore throat without being unwell bar shouting lol silly me :ohmy:

i was doing so well i went 3 month without a health panic:weep:

13-06-09, 20:55
dont be discouraged you'll be fine!!:D

13-06-09, 21:05
am very lucky i got a great supporting family

13-06-09, 22:21
i keep wanting to swallow witch is making it harder lol