View Full Version : right thats it, i need help

13-06-09, 21:49
Im writing today in utter frustration and annoyance at myself and the world.
The few friends i have left, and i mean few, are all out right now.
Just hanging out.
Not together, oh no, they're seperate, with loads of OTHER people who can go out.

I've somehow given myself a new sympton recently which is just wonderful
somehow i decided that to combat some of the anxiety feelings if i push down really hard on my upper thigh
it goes
wellguess that
it doesnt
its only made things worse because now i look like a t**t which makes me even more self concious

Somebody on here must have some form of cure
and if they dont
well then as ive said in my past posts
anxiety has won my war completly

if anything
at all has worked for you
tell me it please
im giving up my medication, so whats worked best?

i personally think breathing techniques are a load of ****
so tell me, what techniques have worked for you?
what kind of therapies
what positive thoughts (and how do you apply those, because im certainly not positive enough to start)
what foods
what smells (armotherapy stuff)
please help me
i swear to god im going insane
i need to stop this
i need to stop this now or i cannot possibly go on anymore
im living for my cat because i feel bad leaving her
she wont know why
how pathetic is that

the one thing in life i have to life for is a bloody cat ='[

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13-06-09, 22:27
Have you read the webiste pages on the left?

My advice is on there

13-06-09, 22:34
Now then sausage! Stop right there! You have got your cat to live for -- well you have got a life that loves you and depends on you, so that is one thing to stick around for! You have already identified one important thing in your life -- at least you can still see SOME good in your life! This is a huge bonus, some people cannot see anything at all, even what is right in front of them.

It sounds to me like your anxiety has created stress and frustration which have reached exploding point. Stress is something which everyone seems to overlook when they are anxious or depressed, but in fairness stress is more of an everyday occurrence than anxiety or depression and it does A LOT of damage while we ignore it!

Is it worth giving up your medication? Could you not think about increasing to the next dose? Maybe increased anxiety is simply a side effect of your existing medication which might settle down?

As long as you are asking for help, anxiety has NOT won the war. The first thing ANY armed force does when it comes under attack is call for reinforcements. There is no shame in this -- it is only common sense.

I find inositol helps with stress, anxiety and negative thoughts. So far it is the only supplement I have tried which has been effective. It can increase tiredness though. I have gone back up to taking 6 pills a day (nearly 4g) as my anxiety has increased over the last couple of weeks.

Visit www.livinglifetothefull.com straight away and sign up for free. It's an online course of cognitive behavioural therapy. No waiting lists, no limited sessions, this is the real deal and you can access it any time. There are a couple of tests to measure your anxiety and depression and it keeps your results in a graph so you can monitor your progress over time.

I recommend you talk to the Samaritans to vent your feelings. It sounds very much like you need to blow your top and let all that steam pressure out. You may find you feel calmer and more accepting after you have let it all out.

13-06-09, 22:43
First of all your cat will understand, they are smart creatures (just remind me of that at 5am when mine wants feeding)

You have asked for help now which is a big step on the ladder up, the best thing about this site from what I have seen is that we are all in the same boat.

As for what chills you out etc, mine is down to stress and so are alot of peoples. Do you have a stressfull job etc or money worries (more than the rest of us lol) It might be worth jotting all your problems down and then breaking them into little bits etc.

How old is your cat, whats it name etc?