View Full Version : resonsibility weighing heavy on my mind

13-06-09, 23:12
hi all, i will keep this as brief as i can, i have been coping pretty well these last few months however an ongoing work situation is coming to a head and a definitive decision is likely to be made this week (i am part of the decision making panel - a member of my team is an alcoholic and after 6 years of disclipnary hearings and warnings,support offered etc it seems like finally the business may take the decision to sack them) without any reasonable doubt the person in question has been given 1000% support however its got to the point that it can't continue. the thought that i am part of this process and the future welfare of them if they are sacked makes me physically sick everytime i think about it, what if they cant get another job, lose their house, marriage, family etc

any tips on how to cope?

13-06-09, 23:16
Are you close enough to them to offer them help once its sunk in etc?

Once they go they will be forced to take a good look at there life and its then a AA meeting leaflet would be most usefull if you get me :)

My mum is a alcoholic and been to some low points and i know its the people around her (me) that has stopped bad things happening on more than one night.

I understand its a tricky situation but if you said they have been offered help in the past what can you do really, is it worth making more problems for yourself?

13-06-09, 23:29
thanks for your reply xx they have been given time off work to attend AA etc and been given all the support that you would expect from a large organisation. this situation goes back about 10 years, i have managed it for 6 and unfortunatley despite everyones best efforts we still are dealing with incidents of drunkeness in the work place. part of me thinks that this will be the wake up call this person needs (their rock bottom) but the other part of me is terrified that i will have their future wellbeing on my conscience.

its a difficult one and of course i have to take into account how it affects my well being, i have already asked for the responsibilty to be taken from me and managed by somebody else but its not worked out like that.

am dreading work this week i can tell you.