View Full Version : Everyone I need you to take this poll

14-06-09, 02:16
I have an interesting idea, I am wondering what the general hormonal balance in people with anxiety and panic attacks is like. So if you could all answer this it would at least be interesting.

The idea is that if your pointer finger is longer than your ring finger then you are estrogen dominant. If your ring is longer than you pointer your are testosterone dominant.

So which one are you? The reason I ask is because I was wondering if the levels of hormones that we are subjected to in the womb have an impact on your mental states when we grow up.

If you could all please answer this it would be great thanks :)

14-06-09, 10:23
Mine are both the same size!

14-06-09, 10:26
mine are both the same size too!

14-06-09, 14:57
My ring finger is longer.

Coni X

14-06-09, 15:52
im oestrogen dominant. thats a very interesting thought indeed!

14-06-09, 18:36
My pointer finger is longer.

14-06-09, 18:50
My pointer finger is longer too!

Jennifer Anne
14-06-09, 18:59
Mine are both the same size x

14-06-09, 20:15
Aah Lisa is copying me!! Someone tell her!! :D

What's this all about anyway, I am interested to know where your research is going. What does it mean if someone has trigger and ring fingers that are the same length?

14-06-09, 21:54
my pointing finger is bigger

14-06-09, 22:13
my ring fingers longer

14-06-09, 22:19
thank goodness for that cat, I was getting worried that I was the only one!

Coni XX

Fall Out Boy
14-06-09, 23:16
My ring finger is a little bit longer on my left hand, and way longer on my right hand. :P

15-06-09, 01:54
Thanks for all the responses guys, keep them comming :)

My pointer is longer by the way :)

15-06-09, 02:00
ring finger longer, but not by much at all.

15-06-09, 02:46
equal ... same length ....... omg I'm Bi lol ...........

15-06-09, 03:01
pointer finger is longer

15-06-09, 03:16
My ring finger is longer:ohmy:

Am I thick? What's that mean then?

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


15-06-09, 04:48
My ring finger is longer:ohmy:

Am I thick? What's that mean then?

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


It just means that you where exposed to more testosterone in the womb.

15-06-09, 14:23
On my right hand the pointing finger is the same size as ring finger, but on the left hand the pointing finger is longer than my ring finger. So what does that mean, am I balanced...lol or even unbalanced, haahaa

15-06-09, 14:46
My ring finger is longer.

15-06-09, 17:29
Hmmm .. yep, mine look to be the same size. . .

16-06-09, 11:31
My ring finger is longer, always was a tomboy as a kid.

16-06-09, 14:43
My pointer finger is slightly longer... where is this going ???

16-06-09, 14:57
My pointing finger is longer,
but my Dr has mentioned something about hormone research and that there is a study into the effects on people's personalities and mental development, will find out who and what if your interested

16-06-09, 16:41
Mine are the same size and I was told that my progestrone is low. Progestrone is the "feel good" hormone. They put me on it from ovulation to mensies and my anxiety has decresed A GREAT DEAL!! It also helps me to sleep at night. It could all be in my head though.....who knows! I just know I feel better when I take it.

17-06-09, 18:56
On my right hand they are the same size but on left hand my ring finger is longer!! Oh dear....

17-06-09, 19:34
Well mine look about the same size on my left and right hand i think..

17-06-09, 22:13
my ring finger is longer

17-06-09, 22:22
Oestrogen dominant here. I remember when they did a test on this on T.V and selected male athletes to compete in a race, the ones with the longest ring fingers (testosterone) won every time.