View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer! NOW PANICED!!! PLEASE help

14-06-09, 04:39
I've been online all day looking for reasons to NOT think i have ovarian cancer and now i've convinced myself i DO have it:weep: I have most of the symptoms plus more!

I have cramps (always thought it was ibs),

I pee alot and sometimes its painful (always thought it was somehow linked to ibs and the fact that i drink alot of water),

I feel bloated sometimes (again always thought it was linked to ibs),

then yesterday i went to the dr, they took blood tests and found out they came back normal except my hcg pregnancy test which showed barely a positive result and he wants me to be tested again in a week. He said if i'm pregnant i can't be more than a week or 2 along.
At first i was excited that i was pregnant but as time went on and i found out more info i started looking into ovarian cancer cuz i know it can raise your hcg levels:weep: And i also saw that it causes my other symptoms too. I AM SOOOOO SCARED!!! I KNOW I HAVE IT AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT:weep: :weep: :weep:

I've even read about women that didn't even have as many symptoms as me, only the urinary problems that ended up with ovarian cancer.

I don't really know what i want here, i kinda want someone to tell me i'm crazy and worried for nothing but i know thats not possible and even my husband who usually tells me i'm crazy for thinking that isn't convinced this time its not:(

My breasts are really sore too but i haven't read anything about that being a symptom of ovarian cancer but it could be a hormone thing from the cancer cuz i know 1 or 2 weeks along with a pregnancy is too early for it to be a pregnancy symptom

I'm SO Confused and Sad!!!!!

14-06-09, 05:02
Ok So my hubby just told me (i think just trying to calm me down) that if i had ovarian cancer the symptoms wouldn't come and go they'd get worse especially since ovarian normally doesn't have any symptoms at all until its very advanced and if i was that advanced the symptoms would be persistant and get more intense. I'm trying to believe him but i'm not so sure, the hcg blood test really sealed the deal for me for some reason then i started searching on "dr google" and it pointed me in the right direction:weep:

14-06-09, 05:12
Ok, listen to me!

All your symptoms, together with sore breasts and the positive pregnancy test, point to pregnancy...in which case CONGRATULATIONS!

You should take another home pregnancy test, because I remember with my second daughter, I tested everyday when I was around 2 weeks pregnant, and every day the line got abit darker. If you do this for a few days and notice this, you are definitely pregnant. The other good thing is that if you are pregnant, they will check your ovaries when you have your 12 week ultrasound, which should give you reassurance that you don't have cancer.

I empathise with you as I am a little bit worried about ovarian cancer as I write this. My right hip is hurting but I had an ultrasound last year during my pregnancy and it was all fine...you will be too.


14-06-09, 10:26
Thank You for your reply:hugs:

I've been up most of the night trying not to google but have been unsuccessful:(

It seems i not only have the symptoms of ovarian cancer but its in the right time period, they say women have symtoms from 6 to 12 months before they're diagnosed:weep: I just wish i could find one JUST ONE thing that points to maybe i don't have it. Thats why i've been googling cuz i just want to find something that tells me i have ibs and pregnancy but there's nothing out there that tells me that. The waiting is SO hard and exhausting!

My hubby is being sweet trying to tell me they took 3 tubes of blood so something shoulda showed on there but i know thats not true cuz my brother went for a yr going from dr to dr and hospital to hospital until he finally got an answer for his cancer then it was too late, he died 3 months after he got diagnosed:weep:

My aunt had ovarian cancer, i just wish i knew her better to know what kind of symptoms she had (ugh, that sounded horrible!) I didn't really know her well but i remember that she went through a yr of horrible sickness and pain before she died.

I would love to have an attitude like most people have that i talk to,,,they tell me, "don't worry about something you don't know is true yet"! But they don't understand that i DO know i have it, what i'm worried about is the months ahead after i'm diagnosed, leaving my children and husband, leaving my family, more pain, more anxiety, more fear, more depression:weep: :weep: :weep:

14-06-09, 18:29
Before i found out i was pregnant i was experiencing tummy cramps, and felt a bit bloated and my boobs were so sore. I went away for a weekend and when i came back decided to do a pregnancy test and it was positive. When i was booked in with my midwife i was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant so my symptoms showed early on. The cramps were from the 'implantation' and can last a while, i had them for weeks. My boobs stayed sore for ages amongst other things.
If there was even a faint line showing positive then i bet your pregnant.
Try and stop worrying and don't google. Do another test (in my case i did 5 !).

14-06-09, 18:39
Cramps and bloatedness are symptoms of IBS.... Sore breasts are common in early pregnancy. I do not for a moment think you have ovarian cancer and guess you are pregnant. Congratulations and be happy!!