View Full Version : Hives Anyone??

14-06-09, 16:06
hi people

i was wondering how many of you get hives, my doctor says they are very common and the cause is hardly ever found, or course i think the cause is lymphoma or something equalty horrible (despite patient.co.uk stating lymphoma is not a cause) ive been getting them on and off since sept 08.

if i take anti histamines i dont get them but if i stop they come back, it surely cant be good for you taking them all the time right

so in short do you get hives? or have you had them?
what are the causes you have heard?

Cheers Mac

14-06-09, 19:02

14-06-09, 19:49
I used to get hives many years ago. I was 13 and now 63. Found out I was allergic to chocolate. Would get them all over my body, eyes and lips swelled up and then in my mouth. 50 years without chocolate but I do love to smell the Easter eggs. lol.


16-06-09, 05:43
Yes i get them on and off too. Ive got them at the moment all under my chin and neck, my eyelids are swollen and a patch on my wrist...weird eh!
I know im allergic to rubber, perfumes, nickel - so i can only wear gold or silver..no costume jewellery, and with nickel being in coins i cannot touch my face if ive had coins in my hand without washing them first or i would break out, and lastly wallpaper paste apprently its something to do with the starch/mold they use. There all a right pain!