View Full Version : twitches and shoulder jerks.

claire m
14-06-09, 16:21
hi i was wondering if anyone had the same symtoms as me and went to their gp for some advice.
i often get muscle twitches in my right eyelid when im really tired but over the last month or so i have been getting them in my left shoulder but more like a jerk it is really noticeable when it happens and im unaware when it is going to do it.
I also have a tremor in my left hand which is worse in the morning it almost feels like a bubbling under the skin.
In the past few weeks i have looked on the net and most of what i can find says stress related.
Im not as stressed as i have been and i am on medication to give me a more balanced feel but am slightly mystified at this if it is stress.
thanks for readingxx

14-06-09, 18:39
well, i am glad that you found out if was related to stress on the internet. please do not search any more or you are bound to run into scary causes that you will worry about. its probably too much stress and anxiety has your system going haywire. try to let it work itself out. i was getting alot of twitches and jerks, the jerks have stopped for the most part,and i guess the twitches have slowed down a little, i took some advice and started taking more vitamins, i.e magnesium is supposed to help with muscle contractions and twitches. i am not sure if that is what has slowed mine down or not, but i am not going to stop taking them just in case.

14-06-09, 19:01
I'm not sure what meds you're on, but I do know that one of the side effects of some anxiety / depression medications is twitching / jerking muscles.

claire m
14-06-09, 19:35
im on fluanxol a low dose anti psychotic thats works well for me non of the usual side effects i have had with ssri or the old antidepressants. but one side effect said a worm type sensation feeling in the limbs so is making me think it could be related.

14-06-09, 19:43
Have just checked my British National Formulary and it does say that tremor can be a side effect, albeit one of the rarer ones.

14-06-09, 20:08
I get twitching and sensations of worms crawling aound under the skin of my calf muscles, Its horrible,

I also get a twitch in my left eye lid which is awful, i start imagining all my patients think im winking at them.