View Full Version : Help!!!

14-06-09, 19:15
I am really starting to get stressed out now and am really worried I'm on the verge of another "episode" where I can't function for weeks/months. I am having a dodgy mole biopsied this week and I just want it out! I feel so worried and really don't know what to do. I don't take meds and don't want to go to the dr's to say I am really anxious.

I feel like there's a horrible dark cloud that is always there and I am incapable of thinking about anything other than the fact that I am so scared I've got something wrong with me and I am going to die!

In the past I've been so bad with HA that I've begged my parents to take me to hospital so that I can be knocked out - and thats what I want now.. to be knocked out until I have my results and am told i'm fine.

urrgghhh!!! this is hell.

Jess xxx

14-06-09, 20:19
chances are its nothing, just keep telling yourself that. my cousin and grandma both had cancerous moles removed, they are both healthy as can be and that was a long time ago, they do stay out of the sun more now. in most cases (more than most, in almost all cases) its very easily treatable, try not to worry.

14-06-09, 22:45

I am so sorry you are having such a horrible time.
a few things you said really a struck chord with me, the bit were you cant concentrate on ANYTHNG else because you are so scared of what is going on with this, and wanting to be knocked out until it can be over.

Would there be anything wrong with going to your Gp and talking it over with them how you are feeling about all this right now? and discussing any ways to help you get through this very challenging time for you. I have recently had a similar experience although not with a mole, but very frightening, and my anxiety was through the roof, and i could barely think about anything else. my gp was very understanding,( i have HA and find most things stressful, but this was something else)
keep talking and get as much support as you can to help you through this time, and as nataliean said, , things are very treatable these days, and it may not even come to that... i know its easy to say, but you have got to try and keep calm and stay positive,
Im sorry i cant be of more use,

let us know how you get on, i will be thinking of you.

P x :hugs: