View Full Version : Any ladies on the pill

14-06-09, 21:40
Do you remember getting breakthrough bleeding mid cycle when you first started taking it ? i am on microgynom 30 and am on my second pack and today have started to bleed not loads but its there everytime i go to loo, like the end of a period. I am trying to rationalise this other wise i will go to bed convinced i have cervical cancer :( x

14-06-09, 22:45
it takes a few months to get used to it, and some people are so sensitive that they must take thier pill at the EXACT same time every day or they will start bleeding, i had to stop using it because i couldn't keep up with it, now i use the nuva-ring, and its the same hormones as the pill but its in a little flexible ring that you put in after your period each month and your body heat takes just the right of hormones out of it each day, and after three weeks you take it out and that will be the week of your period.

15-06-09, 00:22
I'm taking the same pills as you and had a few problems with it to start with nothing to worry about you'll be fine

15-06-09, 04:56
Hey tash, me again, :winks:, I am now on my third pack of a new pill and both months had breakthrough bleeding, about mid pack, not a lot at all, and less the second month than the first. We'll see what happens this month! I know this is supposed to be totally normal! PM me if you ever have any other questions, you keep mirroring starting-birth-control fears! :hugs:

15-06-09, 08:43
I've had breakthrough bleeding mid cycle - and have a history of cervical precancer - anxiety went through the roof!! so can empathise with you alot. mine was caused by the pill and the vast majority of breakthrough bleeding is hormonal (from the pill) -especially when you start a new packet.

Are you up to date with smears?

jess xxx

15-06-09, 09:30
now im really worried :( im scared i have cervical cancer but as i am 21 im not allowed a smear i was going to pay for a private one but now with the bleeding i am convinced i hve it :(

15-06-09, 11:18
yup im on it too and it took a good few weeks for me to stablilise.

15-06-09, 11:25
I didn't have any bleeding when I started taking the pill other than when it was the 7 day break you have every month. The only time I bled was when when I ran 2 packs together because I didn't have the break like I should have it caused breakthrough bleeding

miss diagnosis
15-06-09, 12:02
yes when i started yasmin i got breakthrough bleeding a bit.some of it was quite heavy as well. its really normal. if you read the info that comes with it breakthrough bleeding is always listed as a side effect. it it keeps happening for months go to the doc and change to a different pill. ive been on so many at this stage! just started overnette the other day so shall see how i get on with that!

15-06-09, 15:33
Please don't panic - my bleeding was totally unrelated to precancer. If you are worried about your cervix go to your GP they CAN perform a smear at their discretion.


15-06-09, 15:55
Don't worry hun I am 21 too and I also was on microgynon for 2 years and I had break through bleeding just like the end of a period, it is nothing to worry about. However I am now taking cerazette as I got migrane with the micro. If you are worried you could ask your doctor if you could try cerazette it is a progesterone only pill (pop), works for me takes away all the monthly pains and I only bleed now and again, umm maybe 1 every 4 months or so. It is just your bodies way of clearing your womb.

I hope this helps and reassures you a bit. Feel free to PM me.

Beth x :)