View Full Version : advice needed on stopping citalopram

15-06-09, 08:55
Hi All
I have decided this time I am done with the pils, I cannot take the constant tiredness anymore, lack of sex drive and weight gain.
I was meant to be on 30mg but stuck with 20mg so can anyone tell me the best way to cut down. Got to wait a weeke to see doctor but I want to start cutting down tonight. Should it by by 5mg or what?
The pills are great but the long term side effect are just to much now.



15-06-09, 13:23
Hi Tracey,

I am on 60msg of Citalopram. I know how you feel with the side effects by taking Citalopram. The reason why I am still taking Citalopram is I don't want to go back how I was before with depression. People say you should cut down slowly with Citalopram. I would think by cutting down by 5msg a day would be okay. I hope everything works out for you.

Best wishes,

15-06-09, 14:04
How long have you an the meds? Cause the side effect do go away eventually.

If you do stop go slowly as the side effects will return and be could be more severe until the drug is completely out of your system.

If you can wait a week, better to talk to your Doctor.

15-06-09, 14:20
Iagree !cut down by 5mg and dont cut down again until you feel stable on the new dose,This is the best way to avoid bad withdrawal effects.Taking a high dose of omega 3 will help too..You still may suffer a few withdrawal effects after your last dose ,.ie anxiety ,tiredness .But usually they clear after 3weeks in a lot of cases.Some people dont feel any thing.Good luck SUE:hugs: :hugs:

15-06-09, 15:28
Thanks everyone
This is my 5th month on them, they are great but the lack of energy is starting to really affect me. Plus the weight gain, and my hubby is not happy with the lack of "hows your father" :blush:
I will cut down to 15mg from tonight and stick with that until next week when I see my doctor, its a start and as you say I dont want to suffer to bad as I know I will go back on them and its not what I want. So slow and steady it is for me.
To be honest I am scared but see the side effect now as a total pain which is only getting worse for me. That why when they were upped to 30mg and I found myself getting even worse I thought enough is enough.
I might need your support lots on the coming weeks. This place is great.

Thanks for taking the time to answer
Peace to you all.

16-06-09, 08:00
Ok well I dropped 5mg last night, feel ok this morning I guess. Head is a little cotton wool ish and slight headaches and the sweats but nothing I cant cope with. I will come on every morning to post that way it might help others when coming off pills in future.
Have a good day all


19-06-09, 19:26
I was on 20mg and cut down by the following:

A month taking 20mg every other day. Very very very tired for the entire month.

A week of taking 10mg every other day. Two days of absolute exhaustion but then less tired and more energy than in over a month.

This week as dropping to 10mg went so well I came off them altogether. Tired again and having strange pulse/surge sensations. Weight started to drop off again when I went down to 10mg and have generally felt ok. Hoping tiredness will stop soon.

Will keep reading your posts to see how you get on :0) x x x

22-06-09, 09:15
Thanks for that, good to see how others are doing it.
I have gone from 30mg (only for a few days) to 20mg, then 15mg for a week and last night I started on 12.5mg and am feeling perfectly fine. No side effects. Am seeing my doc this morning but feel cutting it the way I am is the best way for me. I seem to have more energy since cutting the dose and its so nice.
Regardless of what she tells me to do I think I will carry on cutting it slow and steady. Hopefully the weight will drop off once it is out of my system.
Hop all goes well for you

22-06-09, 22:29
I found once I got to 10mg my energy was up and I had the best week I'd had in ages... but struggling since I've come off and having some serious issues with anxiety again. I'm going to try and use meditation as a way of dealing with that.

Despite having a very bad day on Saturday and eating/drinking everything in sight the weight is still coming off and my 'big' jeans I bought only 2-3 weeks ago now have a gaping back!

Hope your gradual approach works well for you. Keep us updated :0)

23-06-09, 10:09
Morning BCR
Hope today is a good day for you.
I am a bit fed up today, really just because doc has put me on these other pills. She thinks its a very bad idea to come of and thinks these others pills are better for me because they are more refined so less side effects.
So will see how it goes, but am thinking already of cutting these in half without telling my doc. Surely if I can cope on a low dose its better for me.
Anyway will see how it all goes