View Full Version : citalopram

15-06-09, 09:25
Its day 3 of taking my medication i took it at night this time. i went off lovely then woke up half way through the night having stressfull thoughts, really stupid ones and panikin over nothing. i feel really washed out today but gonna continue them throughout the night as they make me too drowsy to take in the day. x:wacko:

15-06-09, 19:33
I take mine at night now,as I was too tired in the afternoons when I took them in the morning.Its whatever suits you, at the end of the day.Your waking during the night is common when you start on this,it will improve when it gets adjusted in your system. All the best Sue:hugs:

15-06-09, 19:41
Thanks sue. i started taking them friday and was feeling very sick, dizzy, feeling faint, totally washed, saturday i took 1 again in the morning and i spent the day on the sofa feeling breathless and still all the symtoms as the day b4 but no appitite. Sunday i decided to take it at night went off lovely then woke with silly thoughts, and panickin over nothin really it was weired but i did not feel myself i was in a daze, but feeling really dopey today but thats lack of sleep too. so gonna see wat tonight brings. People tell me once they kick in they do a fantastic job. But i suppose everything takes time. Thanks for replying. I have been writing on her daily and been writing in the wrong colum in takes a while to suss out lol x x