View Full Version : Will this ever end?

anx mum
15-06-09, 12:29
Sitting here:weep: will this anxiety ever end? Been doing well having mostly ok days yesterday and today feel so panicky and anxious really dont understand this is this my life?

15-06-09, 12:37
know exactly what you mean honey, i been good as you know for a few days and today bang here we go again,. same old feelings, stomach churning anticipating the panic. heart beating fast! I dont understand this illness. I dont get why it chooses us and i dont understand why i can control my own body.. chin up babe.. at least were in this together x

anx mum
15-06-09, 12:39
Thanks hun ur a good friend x

15-06-09, 12:41
you are to babe... i dont know what i would do without you to be honest, your always there for me regardless of time or place and i feel safer in knowing that you understand....

15-06-09, 15:45
no it never feels like it will end i have some symptom every day and every minute not a time goes bye when i feel 100% i hate it im sat here now thnking shoud i phone an ambulance cuz i really feel like i cant breath tight heavy chest pain in arms shoulder blades and stomach dizzy numbness feeling and being sick. just feel really wierd not my self at all

15-06-09, 18:27
Hi anx mum!
Been feeling so anxious all day and yesterday too. It just isn't letting up at all. I know just how you feel.xx

15-06-09, 18:34
Was really bad wth anxiety all day yesterday and today until aout 1. Now it's started again! Hate it!

15-06-09, 23:13
It breaks my heart to read all of these posts. I know so well how you feel and how awful it is.

Hang in there, It will get much easier, but you have to work really hard at it. After trying many things I found techniques that worked for me and now I can pretty well have a fear flash and just be anxious and upset for an hour or two when a few years ago it would have sent me to my bed for weeks, and I can have days and weeks of feeling "normal".

Keep reading the books and practising different methods and you will find something that works for you. Take any help that is offered and don't just accept that this is your lot in life. No one deserves to go through what we have been through. You are incredibly strong, you know you are to have survived what you have already been through. IT DOES END.

Good luck and god bless