View Full Version : Having an awful day, need to spill it all out

15-06-09, 13:18
Hi Guys,

Posted on here a few times in the past, but am having a truely awful day today, finding it difficult to stop crying.

If i could start briefly from the beginning, i started to feel under the weather in march. I thought i had some kind of virus and doctors weren't very sure but guessed a virus. I was wondering though, my main symptom of feeling ill was feeling like everything was unreal and dream like. I have had countless blood tests etc blah blah and everything was normal everytime and my only real symptom of a virus was a few headaches. Also i had this whole thing about my lymph glands which the doctor said were up a tiny bit, but i'd never even felt them before i started this unreal thing. I guess what im getting at is could all of this have been anxiety right from the beginning?

I turned 21 in feb and was extremely anxious about that, and i moved away from home 6 months ago, that along with my constant worry about having a serious illness.

I don't know where to turn, as supportive as they've been i know my family are sick of me complaining and refuse to believe my problems are mental.

Can anyone give me their opinion?


15-06-09, 13:27
I had a very similar thing happen to me some years ago. I got up one morning and was in the bathroom and suddenly felt really unreal and weird and thought I was going to pass out. I was in such a state that I called the Dr out who said it "might be a virus" or it "might be nerves", which really didn't help me much. I carried on feeling like this for quite a number of months and like you had all sorts of blood tests done, none of which came back with any problems. Now when I look back I actually think I started off with a simple virus but the anxiety of the virus sensitised my nervous system and it all snowballed.

I'm sure that your symptoms could well have been just anxiety, but they could also have been a mild virus if your lymph nodes were up a tiny bit. It is amazing how we quickly get ourselves in a state when we have health anxiety. I do hope that you start to feel better soon :hugs:

15-06-09, 16:46
Hi, just wanted to say that that is how i'm feeling at the moment (spaced out and slightly dizzy). I know mine is caused by anxiety and I'm sure yours is to. Hope you feel better soon.

jess xxx

17-06-09, 15:56
Thanks for your replies guys,

Jessica, i'm pretty sure this spaced-out feeling is caused by anxiety, but unlike you i can't say to myself "I know this is caused by anxiety", im always thinking about other more terrible scenarios.

I find positive thinking so hard when im feeling off.

17-06-09, 16:29
I am with you on that one andypee, i get spaced out and dizzy in most situations, and i can almost guarantee its my anxiety, as it happens in situations that i worry about, which is nearly everywhere lol. I try telling myself its all good everytime, but its easier said than done