View Full Version : Anybody got these

05-09-05, 05:15
Shortness of breath, dissy, tigness of chest and "STARTS" just when you go to sleep....it sucks!

05-09-05, 05:47
Hi Miduan!
All of those are symptoms of panic and I've personally had all of them. If you use the Forum Search and type in a symptom, you'll come up with lots of other people who have similar symptoms to you.
Try a breathing technique where you take a very slow deep breath and let the breath out longer than you took the breath in. Let your breathing come from your belly and not your chest. Try doing that for a few minutes until you get bored with it and then your body will take over doing it without you having to think about it.
If you are still having trouble, try breathing into a paper bag until you feel better. Then practice the slow breathing. It's really important to let your breath out be longer than your breath in so that you don't continue to hyperventilate, which is what you are experiencing.
Hang in there. Try to practice your breathing when you aren't feeling panicky too, so that your body will start to do it naturally. If you can master the breathing, you can control the onset of your panic.
Best wishes,

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

05-09-05, 06:22
Thanks Andrea

My story.... My Dad had a heart attack and then some 18 months latter he died. I had a big panic attack some 6 months after this death with all the whole box and dice shorthness of breath numbness down both hands tighness in the ****** chest...I thought I was having a ****** heart attack...I know this sounds dumb But quite honestly I'm ****** sick and Tied of having these I've only had 1 big one but have minor ones all the time...I don't thake drugs for it as it takes the edge off life to some degree...My only fear is when I have a heart attack (let's face it we all are) I hope it isn't a ****** panic attack!!!!!!...The other thing that I hate is the ****** Starts I have in bed...gee I hate those!!

05-09-05, 09:18
Hi Miduan

For one thing it dosen't sound dumb, one of my biggest worries is having a heart attack.

Take care


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

05-09-05, 11:44
hi Miduan and welcome. Yes all these symtoms are so common, I get the shortness of breath and yight chest pains too. It is frightenning and keep thinking heart attack of lung cancer but thats just health amxiety. take care. vernon

05-09-05, 12:03
Hi Miduan,
Yes like the others say definately anxiety, i had all the symtoms you described and was convinced heart attack, but since doing a CBT course on health anxiety that has all subsided now.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

05-09-05, 14:22
Hi Miduan


First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

When you relax at night is when you can notice things that you don't notice during the day


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-09-05, 17:51
Hi Miduan, You sound so fed up of your symptoms and I understand why. If you let them, they will take over your life. The sleep starts and dizziness I particularly know about. Horrible - but I am living proof that you can live a 'normal' life even though your days and nights can be blighted by the above. If you have had a GP check you over and they are satisfied that it is purely anxiety related then the sooner you learn to ACCEPT that you are suffering from anxiety related symptoms the better your quality of life will be. Trust me I know how de-bilitating and all consuming anxiety symptoms can be.
Love and God Bless
Dawn x

05-09-05, 23:14
Thanks Guys
Your words did help I'm feeling kinda normal today.The dumb thing is I train 5 nights a week 30min on the rower, 50 situps,and 30min on the cycle....my heart is in great shape....I've been doing this for 3 years now....but I still have that fear....got to live with it I guess....
it still sucks


05-09-05, 23:23
It is hard i know that, but you are obviously very fit and just when you are ready to fall asleep your body reminds you that it isnt ready to relax. It does get easier trust me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".