View Full Version : Scary black dot got me worried

15-06-09, 17:47
It might be nothing but you never know, and I need to not google this so you guys can help me.

I Have a black dot on my hand, about the size of a freckle and same colour as a bruise (it looks like a mini bruise). It seems to have appeared to come out of nowhere. Its about an inch behind my first finger knuckle. I know I havnt banged it or anything.

Of course I have bloot clot on the mind etc and thats why Im freaking out now.

16-06-09, 13:11
Is it painful? Has your swollen up big time? If not i wouldn't worry about blood clots.

16-06-09, 13:19
I have had marks like this on my arms, I have been to GP and he says it's just a bit of bleeding under skin where i may have knocked myself.

I have had this a fair few times and they just disappear, so nothing to worry about. If they do presist and you are still worried go to doc to get it checked out and have your mind put at rest.

16-06-09, 14:06
I get bruises all the time, even when I don't remember banging or hurting myself. Don't stress, you probably bumped & didn't realise. x