View Full Version : Will it ever go away

05-09-05, 12:09

Just when you think you've cracked it......it creeps back!

I've been gradually getting better and feeling positive about life in general. Until today :( I've woken up feeling very anxious and edgy. So much so that I haven't been able to go to work.

I felt it coming on yesterday and put it down to tiredness due to a late Saturday night, and also too much alcohol which I know can enhance anxiety. But it just makes me mad because last week I felt great. I went swimming in the mornings before work and felt really positive. But today I feel like I really can't be bothered with anything at all. I feel like my mind can't cope with anything. I know it's perhaps just a blip because I haven't felt like this for a while. But it's just frustrating.

Is it possible to be completely cured of this? Or do you just have to go through life wondering if it's going to creep up on you?

I've managed to beat it before but this time it seems harder. Yet you would think it would be easier the 2nd time round because you know all the symptoms.

Sorry for moaning on, just feeling sorry for myself today. Hopefully a few cups of camomile tea and an early night will do the trick ;)

Emma xx

05-09-05, 12:20
Hi Emma,

The answer to your question is to stop fearing its return.

Once you have accepted that it is just anxiety and it cannot harm you, you will stop fearing the effect it has on you, therefore the anxiety will go away.

Fear of its effect on you is what feeds the symptoms.

Next time you wake feeling this way, instead of thinking 'on no', think 'so what, it cant hurt me'.

Hope this helps hun.

I know it is not as easy as it sounds, but in my opinion, that is the secret.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

05-09-05, 12:34
Thanks Jude. I know worrying about it doesn't help. And I should really tell myself it can't hurt me. It never has done in the past. Just got to keep positive and not let it beat me.

Emma xx

05-09-05, 14:27
Hi Emma,

Before I suffered with PA's, anxiaty I had been dealing with my daughter for a number of years who had been going through a very bad time with this disorder. ( she is doing very well now [^]
So you would think because I knew how to deal with it, if I had it myself I would be able to deal with it.
Last year going on my hols I had a PA [:O] it was a shock to my system.
I was having lots of PA's and anxiaty attacks, living in fear 24/7.
It is soooo true when they say, "to understand it, you have to go through it"
I came in search for help on the internet, shaking and feeling very unwell. The first site I found it said. "There is NO cure [:O] I went into a panic. Then one day my sister gave me a book on PA's, this book just had the basics about PA's and what goes on in your mind and body.
But the one thing it said which stook in my mind the most was ( DON'T LEARN TO COPE, LEARN TO CURE ) This gave me hope and a goal I could head for. This book was my bible, it went everywhere with me. I still had alot of doubt in my mind and could not bring things under control
Then I found this site [^] [^]:D[^][^]
I am panic free and have NO high anxity attack. and its all down to this site and all the special people on here[^]
I still have a few things to iron out, like I lack confidence thats why I don't reply much to post:(
Sorry I'v gone on a bit.
What I'm trying to say is, It's ok having all the information, but and its a BIG but, its dame hard when PA or anxity strikes using that information.
It is sooo hard for me to explain when things are done by thoughts.
For me I had nothing going on in my life that was keeping the PA's, and the high anxiaty attacks going, It was because I feard them all and the symptoms that came with them.
You say you felt it coming on yesterday, this is the time to go ott ( over the top ) on your positive thinking. Think how good you felt last week, keep telling yourself that you are ok. I know its hard but try not let your mind wonder with the what if's. Keep fighting back with the so whats, and the sod off [Oops!] can I say that?
Remember Emma, are minds are being programmed all day every day.
I found that even when I had my good days I would still go over and over in my head working on my positive thinking about the anxiaty. I would remember the negative thougths Mr Anxiaty gave me, because I was having a good day I could change them to positive.
The more I worked on my positive thinking on my good days, the more when Mr Anxiaty came, the negative thinking got less and less.
I always say "it is easy to fight with others, but the hardest thing is to fight with yourself" I had to do this day in day out, there were times when Mrs Anixaty's negative's were soooo strong, but I had this site, it was my bible now and I took it everywhere with me, all in my head. The information, the replys to post, the tips, the success storeys. But most of all, the belief that I could get better [^] Learning how to change your thoughts towards anxiaty does not happen over night, It takes alot of hard work support and time. but it CAN be done.
Keep fighting Emma, put as much positive thoughs into your mind as you can. I know its hard, but its a fight well worth fighting because you WILL win in the end.
Sorry for waffling
Your goal is to belive that you can learn how to feel better, belive it is possible and your mind will help you creat the fact.
Hope this helps Emma




"You are being programmed all day ever day.
You can't stop it, but you can determine if the
programming is positive or nigative.

05-09-05, 14:48
**put it down to tiredness due to a late Saturday night, and also too much alcohol which I know can enhance anxiety**

Blips happen especially when you're not watching your lifestyle. But they pass and you move on. They are not a disaster and not a move back to square one - just a blip and not even a paniuc blip - just a wobble blip.

Jill - thanks for a really great post.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Gary Numan
05-09-05, 15:43
My first post!

Emma Is it possible to be completely cured of this? Or do you just have to go through life wondering if it's going to creep up on you?

Anxiety has i think most of us asking these very questions , i know i have many times over the years , i have suffered from Anxiety for over 25 years and sometimes this has been very bad other times almost stress free , but ill go into my own story and about me at a later date.

My thoughts on your post are this:
Some people are completely cured , yes it can happen and does happen more often than not the people "cured" are people that have been srtess free and panic free and then something bad happens in their life , say a job loss or a partner walking out on a relationship , things like this can get Anxiety up and running high for people in these cases and then they might get a taste of panic say while out shopping.

Now as this is sometimes the case with a first panic attack you might think oh my god im going to die! and after a short time the panic moves away leaving the person thinking , god i never want that again what was it?
( not really aware they have been stressed for sometime ) over say a failed realationship , at these times i feel if the person can take on the reasons why they are having these nasty attack's and the root of them they can indeed learn to cope with and deal with this problem they may find the reasons behind the panic and deal with these and so be cured.

Others have to learn i feel to except and live with panic as best they can always looking for good tips to help them in these times of panic , they may not know the reasons behind them and may find themselves having Anxiety on and off all their lives , sounds bad i know but there are worse things in life to have to deal with.

I know this is my first ever post so im not sure what others will make of my own thoughts but sometimes and it is true in my case the more i thought to myself "Ok i suffer from Anxiety" the less i suffered from it.
I have excepted stress as a part of my life ( not a part i like but a part of it none the less ).

You put is there a cure , i think its better to try to find better ways of coping than a cure and if a cure comes along during this time then thats a fantastic thing.

You also posed the question do you just have to go through life wondering if it's going to creep up on you?
Well i tend to think the answer to that is no you do not have to live in wonder as to if and when the next panic may pop into your life , in fact i do not myself see it as a good thing to ponder as the more time you give yourself over to thinking about it the more likely you are for it to jump back at you , think about panic long enough and it will get you very stressed and this in turn will bring on another panic attack and so the circle starts !

I understand you had some rather stress free days and im happy to read that i really am but i do think like most things in life theres the good and not so good , on the good days i think we should enjoy every single moment of them , and the bad! well i tend to try to make the most of those in a kind of " Ok i feel rather naff but i know it will pass "

Anxiety can not kill you it is not like a panic attack is going to make anyone drop like a stone and be the end of you or me , to me it is more the case of how we all deal with it.

Try your very best not to let this not so good time get you down , today you might feel rather bad and a bit hacked off thinking , great here we go again i understand that i really do , but have you thought that not so long ago you were okay and feeling well ?

Nothing lasts forever and i think a good idea would be to think ok i feel crap now but who knows by Wednesday i might feel ten times better than i do now.
try not to feed the bad thoughts and try to ponder on the good ones.

I do think that Anxiety's best friend is booze like most people i used to enjoy a drink but i found the next day to be really bad with Anxiety in the end i gave up booze and have not had

Gary Numan
05-09-05, 15:52
[Oops!] I forgot to point out i do not sit and plan my posts with great detail i tend to post what im thinking at the time i hope others will understand this.

It just works for me to post things as i see them , not in some slick smart way but just as if i were talking to the person.

I also see you can PM others on here , that sounds cool , anyway time to run catch you all later!

:) Gary.

Down in the park where the Machmen meet the Machines and play kill by numbers , Down in the park with friends of mine! Down in the park where the chant is death , death , death , until the sun cries morning. Down in the park with a friend called Five.

05-09-05, 16:55
Gary ,

You're doing fine just as you are. Don't think any of us plan posts either..



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-09-05, 17:03
hi Emma,

You're just going through a blip hun. Not every day can be anxiety free unfortunately!! You seem to be having many more good days than bad and that is what matters!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-09-05, 20:02
hi emma

it is soo frustrating, i too thought i was "cured" and then BAM it comes back to smack you when you least expect it, but i do think that these are just blips and it will only go as far as we allow it, i think we have to remember what we have learned and put it straight into practice without letting it get out of hand (sometimes easier said than done i know).
but honestly i think the only real cure is within ourself and i find that reading through my old notes and leaflets from CBT realy helps to remind me that is IS JUST ANXIETY.


05-09-05, 23:38
Hi Emma

I totally appreciate what you are saying and think you put it great in your post.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

06-09-05, 13:49
Thanks everyone for your posts. You have all said some really helpful things.

Like you say anxiety can't harm and I know deep down that it won't. It's just the uncomfortableness of it when you are going through it that I hate.

Anyhow, I feel a lot better today. I've managed to get myself to work and after a few phonecalls and a laugh with my colleagues I felt fine. Sometimes the anticipation of something causes more anxiety than necessary. I was anxious driving to work, worrying about being anxious at work, and now I am fine.

Hopefully I can get myself back at the gym again and swimming this week. Exercise always makes me feel better.

Thanks again everybody.

Take care

Emma xx

06-09-05, 16:46
Nice one Emma ..

Keep it up


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-09-05, 17:16
Hi Emma

:D Happy to hear you are feeling better :D

Keep those positive thoughts going



Every thought you think changes your biochemistry.
Your hormones are effected by your thoughts.
Pay attention to stuff that bring you joy.
Look for things that bring you a smile :D