View Full Version : I dont know whether to go or not?

15-06-09, 18:54
Hey all, i have my first appointment with my CPN on tuesday. The doc who i saw referred me was an idiot and gave me only 5 mins of his time he then went o i need to refer you. I know i suffer my health anxiety but i feel i can manage it and it doesnt stop me functioning im certainly not depressed. From what i have read the CPN is used in sever cases is this true? i have been to my docs 3 times since february so im hardly severe in their eyes. I really dont want to go as i though my GP would help me. What would happen if i didnt turn up would they make me go, im worrying that if a cpn comes in to my life they might start sticking there nose in etc. Any advice would be great x

15-06-09, 19:00
I would go hun, it does sound like your HA impacts on your life to a certain degree, it did ruin your holiday didn't it? I would give it a go and see what happens, no one can make you go and they won't stick their noses into other aspects of your life that I am sure of.


15-06-09, 19:09
What willl the CPN do though? it did ruin my holiday but i dont think i need to see a mental health person. I thought i might get offered some anti d's. No one has mentioned the possibilty on post natal depression my doctor just made me think i needed 'proffesional help'. If i dont turn up will that look bad on me? x

15-06-09, 19:18
I see a mental health worker for my HA and they talk to me about my anxiety and give me help on how to deal with it in every day life.

I think it's unfortunate that there is a stigma attached to the words 'mental health' - I am sure your GP does not think you are crazy or mad, but someone who could benefit from some guidance and help - like me.

Seeing a CPN is not compusory and it won't look bad if you don't go, but out of politeness I would cancel via phone so they aren't waiting for you.


15-06-09, 19:48
thanks mondie, and you are right there is so much stigma attached to it. TBH i am scared of it for that reason. Do you think at my assesment they will if they feel im not to bad refer me back to my gp?


15-06-09, 20:26
I'm sure with NHS funding as it is, if they don't think that you will benefit from them help then they will refer you back to your GP. They won't pay someone to fix something that isn't broke!!

Be bold, be brave and be better...


15-06-09, 20:26
I also see a counsellor, and it is one of the best things i done starting to see him, he has helped me know end and i look forward to our sessions i fnd things much easier since i have being seeing him,
Remember, no one nows you are seeing a counsellor unless you tell them, go for it :yesyes:

Let me know how you get on

15-06-09, 20:51
why not go for the assessment and express your issues then with the cpn, then you will know if you will benefit from there help, they will be able to spend more time with you (hour) whereas gp's only see you for about 10mins
you would prob see a cpn every few weeks, it may be of benefit it may not be what you need, but id go to the assessment then you'll know more

15-06-09, 21:23
I really really really dont want to see a CPN if i thought it was needed i would jump at the chance but i feel its not. If i go i think they wont let me not go back, and i will have to carry on seeing them. From what i have read on the internet a CPN is only used once other things have failed i havent been offered anything else. If i phone up tommorow to cancel will my GP phone me to ask me why i didnt attend or will it just be forgotten about x

15-06-09, 22:50
Hiya Tash

You will have an intial assessment for your first appointment CPN will ask you a bit about yourself what is worrying you etc how it impacts on your life etc, CPN may decide that they don't need to see you!

CPN may refer you for anixety management or CBT don't worry about it hun you won't be forced to see them.
CPN do see people for serious mental illness but they also see people with anxiety and depression, phobias or any thing that is having an impact on your mental health.

Just remember that mental health is a term used to describe all sorts of problems and can strke the fear of god into anyone whom doesn't understand this, we tend to think the worst when this term is used and start imagining the worst scenario believe me I used to work in mental health as a secretary and the amount of people scared of seeing someone connected with mental health is huge, and people used to phone me all the time with all sorts of queries asking why they had been referred where they mad etc
no one ever worries about the stigma of going to see a heart specialist

I would go for an intial appointment and see what they have got to offer you never know there could be something really useful in your area

Take care and try not to worry about this


16-06-09, 04:55
I see a CPN every now and then for my anxiety. If I feel I need more help I see him more often and when I am doing well I just see him every few months. It is definately the best thing I have done and without him I would not be feeling as well as I do. I know my CPN sees all sorts of people for all sorts of problems and is certainly not just used when all else has failed. What sort of help were you hoping your doctor was going to give you? As far as I am aware, medication on it's own for anxiety is not as successful unless it is taken hand in hand with counselling - medication just 'reduces' the physical symptoms but does not teach you how to alter your way of thinking towards your anxiety. MY CPN just talks me through any problems I may be having, teaches me different ways of looking at things and coping mechanisms. Like the others say, why not just go and meet him/her and see what they have to offer - if you feel it is not for you then you can make an informed decision. Good luck with whatever you decide to do

16-06-09, 10:58
It wouldn't hurt just to go to the first session and see whether you will continue or not, you never know you might feel it helps with your HA.You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to, it is up to you to ask for help where you feel you need it the most.

Do let us know what you decide, and good luck.

16-06-09, 11:03
where we are we have two types of cpn ie short term and long term, the long term care is for those with more severe symptoms of any mental health problems
as mentioned they will refer you onto things like cbt therapy and things which could help you, they seem to get the referrals done much fater too coming from them

16-06-09, 12:50
Hi Tash
Awww hun:):)
I think I told you in my previous post that when I was about your age(22) I had to see a mental health worker for post natal anxiety. I wasnt depressed but just very worried about certain things(at that point I couldnt go out on my own and had other worries --not HA which is what I had last year). I felt very worried about going and wondering if they would "poke their nose in" where my kids were concerned but honestly Tash it was the best thing I did. Course they dont poke their noses in---they are just wanting to help and I feel sure you would benefit.
Roll on some 23 years and I have been having CBT for HA.I had this from September last year til the December and again the best thing i have done. I am far from cured but it makes me think very very rationally about most health stuff. Thats not to say i dont worry but it does help and i think you would benefit greatly.
Why not go along for the assessment and see what you think hun???

16-06-09, 13:17
thanks all, jellybean thank you!!! thats what worrys me the most that they might start sticking there noses in my family life and think i am not a very good mum or something. I am a brilliant mum and it just worrys me, i would like to go for the assesment but then im concerned i will have to go again if i dont like it x

16-06-09, 14:30
Course you are a brilliant mum and I am a brilliant mum too(ha ha!!!!So my son tells me!!!).
That has nothing to do with anything and for all I had those thoughts at your age they are definately not going to start to judge you :)
I would probably go for the assesment and then take it from there.I honestly do think it would help you but the final decision must be yours hunny xxx