View Full Version : Is anyone able to relate to this? Throat/chest/acid reflux

15-06-09, 19:33
Good evening,

Hope that things today haven't been too difficult in the world of Health Anxiety!

Just wanted to ask if anone on this wonderful website has had a similar situation as this...I have had a weird tickle in the right hand side (like someone tickling deep down in my throat, where the chest connects to the throat) I sometimes feels like I have heartburn on that side too. I have had this since I had a massive anxiety attack back in Octrober and this seems to have been left over after having the flu jab! I have no idea if it is connected at all...over the last week the right side of my neck hurts when I yawn (like a pulled muscle or a swollen gland but my glands do not feel swollen!) Sorry for rambling on!

So I went to the Dr on Friday who said after I had described my symptoms thought that it was acid reflux and prescribed me Ritimidine (sp?) and said to try them for a month and see if they help and if not to come back. He did also say that if I wanted I could have a camera down my throat or chect xray, however he asked about my level of excerise and when I said that I run 1.5 - 2 miles 4 times a week that it was highly unlikely that it was anything to do with my heart/chest etc. He said that he would recommend trying the tables first which I agree with.

I am 24 yrs old and feel very active and fit, just with the annoyance of this tickle! It kind of makes sense to me that it may be acid reflux as it does sometimes feel like heartburn. I don't have breathlessness although sometimes the feeling feels like a flutter and can make me breathless a little if I panic about it, which I understand would be perfectly natural! I am gettibg married in November and really want to enjoy the planning etc. without worrying about this! Arrgggghhhh...I hate health anxiety!

Can anyone relate to this? Any comments would be useful.

Many Thanks,
