View Full Version : bleeding again

15-06-09, 20:55
ok 2 weeks ago i had an internal examination ie bottom, i had a bit of dark red blood in diarreah, yesterday there was only tiny amount so i ignored it as 2 weeks ago i had blood tests and chest xray and lower abdomen x-ray and everything was clear on them
but just now ive had diarreah again but it had what looked like black blood in it, quite abit too which worried me abit :ohmy: not sure if i should tell gp as the x-rays and blood tests where clear

i will admit though yes i am anorexic and instead of taking laxatives ive been taking mefenamic acid as it makes me lose weight, i know this is stupid, but if i don't take one of them i end up making my self physically sick, and hate it :weep: which i can't bare to tell the health professionals:weep:

15-06-09, 21:56
Mef Acid is an anti inflammatory and these are notorious for causing your stomach to bleed usually due to either irritation or ulcers eventually. You really need to have an endoscopy to see if you have any bleeding areas in your stomach. I'm not trying to scare you honest but if you continue taking this drug when you don't need it you could end up like my neighbour who had to take anti inflammatoreis but a few weeks ago she was losing lots of blood in her poo and was rushed to hosptial and it was a stomach ulcer that was bleeding due purely to her tablets.
So please stop taking them- I assume your Dr knows you are taking them as they are only available on presc but does Dr know you are taking thema ll the time???
Please go back to Dr and discuss further and ask if you need an endoscopy to rule out stomach ulcer

15-06-09, 22:01
hi yeah im taking them every night but the doctor doesn't know, so will ulcers etc not show up on x-rays then, what shall i say to gp? i even sent a message to my sister she asked to see it :blush: she said it didn't look normal at all but she doesnt know why it would happen
i got like pain under my ribs on left side, more to bottom of ribs are sore
the doc will kill me if they find out what im doing, i only been doing it as i dont want to make myself vomit or doing laxatives, i know im soo stupid :weep:

whats an endoscopy?

15-06-09, 22:47
An endoscopy is where they give you a sedative so you don't remember much then they put a tiny camera down into your stomach and have a look round and they can see if you have any inflamed areas or ulcers in your stomach or the first part of your intestine - it is very quick and most people don't remember much about it - they can also take little biopsies if they see anything suspicious.
A normal x ray would not show up ulcers in the stomach unless it was a barium swallow where you drink a chalky mixture before the xray is taken - did you do this??? if you did then an ulcer could show but not inflammation which is why they do the camera nowadays.
PLEASE confess to your Dr what you have been doing as your health is more important than what anyone might think of you - stop taking them straight away and make appt to see your Dr - once he knows what you have been doing then he will want tests to see if you have damaged your stomach. does he know about the anorexia/bulimia?? Again he needs to know if he deons't already as there are loads of health problems caused by it.

16-06-09, 01:04
Agreed hun you need to tell them about what you have been takin. I know it's hard but you're gonna hurt yourself even more so if you don't xxxxxxx

16-06-09, 11:06
thanks i will try and tell them on friday :ohmy: im scared to admit it, yes they diagnosed the anorexia
i had head ache last night too with it, not to bad this morning thank goodness

18-06-09, 22:41
had more bleeding tonight, this time red though mixed in with diarreah i noticed straight after the pain ive been getting under my lowest left rib got more intense straight after and i got worried, now sat in bed trying not to think about it, i see gp tomorrow, but for last 2days ive taken laxatives too, all because of my eating probs anorexia, i can't admit taking laxatives to them really i can't :weep: an my bottom hurts too now:blush:

18-06-09, 23:55

Just seen yr post

good luck at dr tomorrow


mandie x

19-06-09, 01:52
time to be honest with yourself hun!

at a crossraods and you need choose a path, but the beauty of that, is that YOU get to make that choice, because only you can.x

19-06-09, 11:46
ive told them, being booked in for a colonoscopy, does it hurt when they do that?

19-06-09, 12:20
When you have a colonsocpy they sedate you - ask them for really good sedation - tell them how terrified you are of any proceedure. I have had one and the worst bit was the preparation the day before - there are different preps you can take and some are gentler than others - if possible avoid one called fleet - its wonderful for Drs as it clears your bowels completely but not wonderful for the patient!
The day before your test you have to drink usually two doses of a drink that will clear your bowels and then you spend quite a bit of the day sitting on the loo- you are not allowed to eat anything solid that day but can have loads of sugary drinks and clear fruit juices to keep your energy up.
I won't lie and say its nothing but its worth the effort because anything serious will show up on the test and then can be dealt with.
HOpe you don't have to wait too long.