View Full Version : How about some positive tidbits

15-06-09, 21:06
My big fear is cancer in its many and varied forms and I was just wondering if it might help many, who are like me in this fear, if we have a thread with stories or simply facts about people we know who have beaten cancer and been given the all clear--sort of information to refute the presumption that it's a sentence of ...well you know....:winks:

I personally know of five people who have been diagnosed and then been given the all clear, and another I've heard of from another.

1. My cousin had colon cancer about five years ago and was given the all clear after surgery and nary a sign since.

2. My husband's friend's wife was given the all clear from breast cancer a few years ago.

3. My husband's friends brother has been given the all clear after testicular cancer.

4. My great aunt had breast cancer years and years ago and lived to a grand old age (she died in her 80's and not of cancer).

5. Another great uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and he too was fine after surgery.

Last but not least I have a friend in work who has had an aunt who is in her nineties and has been beaten cancer three times! and still lives in her own home, living totally independant.

Does anyone else have any positive facts to add to these. Maybe we can create a thread that can give us a boost when we need it.:hugs:

ETA: I keep amending this when I remember another who came through fine, lol

15-06-09, 21:20
Sir Laurence Olivier (the actor) had been feeling unwell and went to his doctor. After various tests he was told he had cancer and that he would have to start treatment asap. He told the doctor that he didn't have time to have cancer at the moment as he was playing Richard III and that he would deal with it when he had some spare time.

About 5 years later he started a course of treatment for his cancer but cut this short as he was due to start playing Othello. The doctor advised him that he would be dead within a year if he left his cancer untreated...about 3 years later he also contracted a terminal neurological disorder but he refused treatment and carried on working. He died about 30 years later at the age of 82. Everybody who knew him and worked with him all agreed that he lived with and survived his cancer as his willpower was so strong and that he totally refused to accept the mantle of an ill person.

15-06-09, 21:59
That's a great story itoldyouiwasill. Are there any more. I won't keep replying, but hand over to you guys!

15-06-09, 22:02
1. My gran was cured of cervical cancer, died years later not of cancer.
2. My friend's gran had colon cancer 15 years ago, no sign of it since, she's still alive.
3. My Mum's friend's sister had lung cancer a long time ago (I think 10 years?), she's alive and well.
4. My cousin's gran had breast cancer five years ago, she's alive and I don't think she has cancer-related problems now, although she is struggling with dementia.

16-06-09, 00:11
Great thread Helen

I have been wondering about posting about my experiences for a while and you have given me the opportunity.

I AM A CANCER SURVIVOR, in fact to date I have survived two cancers. Breast cancer and Malignant Melanoma. Yipee!!!!!

And to all of you out there that are terrified of cancer l have to say that my anxiety disorder, which I had for a number of years before any physical illness, has been a thousand times worse than any organic illness. In fact if someone gave me the choice, breast cancer or anxiety, I would honestly choose breast cancer any day.

So what I am trying to say is, please try (and I do know how incredibly hard it is) not to be so terrified, as what you are currently suffering with is, in fact so much worse. When you have a life threatening physical illness, strength seems to come from somewhere to get you through it, unlike anxiety which I personally think is the most evil of illnesses.

God bless

16-06-09, 04:59
My mum has survived two forms of cancer and is alive and well!!

16-06-09, 09:59
Aw! I just had to reply and say a big thank you to Mistral for telling us about her personal story!:hugs: God bless you right back, hun. I do know another lady (who happens to be in my confirmation group) who has been having treatment for cancer and wears wigs and scarves. She seems in great health and cheer and is talking about going back to work so I assume that her prognosis is good, but I haven't wanted to ask and seem impertinant.:blush:

And of course, thank you to AMU and IJJ too--I'm so glad for both your mum and all of your family, IJJ!

I hope this thread has helped others with a fear of cancer. I do know that this exercise has made me realise that, of the people I've met and known through my life who have had cancer in the last thirty years, most of them have survived and gone on to live full lives.:yesyes:

16-06-09, 10:33
Wonderful posts these are, just what we need a bit of positiveness, it is so good to hear of your relatives and friends who have beaten this disease and I can add a few more that immediately come to mind.

My Auntie beat breast cancer twice and she died of old age not cancer.
My Friend has beaten breast cancer.
My sister-in-law had breast cancer 12 years ago, is 70 now and really well.
Amale neighbour had colon cancer and is fine.

Not too far in the future there will be a cure for these cancers, big steps towards this are being made every year, then it will not give the fear it does today.

miss diagnosis
16-06-09, 13:17
what a happy thread.Here is my contribution!

-neighbour-all clear from uterine cancer. Didnt even lose her hair.
other neighbour-now completly free from breast cancer.
Friends dad-all clear from lymphoma.

we do tend to concentrate on the negative!

16-06-09, 14:13
Someone I know had a radical mastectomy when she was 21 she is now 80+.

16-06-09, 14:49

My grandmother was told at the age of 23 that she would live no longer than six months because of "major" heart problems (this was the 1940s). she died two years ago at the age of 86. - not of a heart problem. She also had two children in the time between!


16-06-09, 17:20
both my father and friend survived lymphomia cancer! :D

17-06-09, 14:29
Thank you so much for this thread. Really positive and made me tingle in a good way!