View Full Version : when you do situps

15-06-09, 21:39
you know when you do situps in ersersize ,, and the day after you get that pain like below your belly, waistline

so basically if i get i a sit up position it hurts to do a sit up

funny thing is i aint even done any sit ups??

anyone know why im getting this pain? or had it before?

16-06-09, 03:52
Could be your abs just being tensed up all the time or it could be your colon is overstressed and the muscles that control it are tight. I am sure it is nothing to fret about.

16-06-09, 18:34
i have a similar pain to this almost daily, when it really plays up it acts up for weeks at a time and just feels like i have spent the day doing sit ups, sitting in a slightly slouchy potition also sometime aggrevates it if i'm sat with just the lower half of my stomach bent while i'm sat.
I recently joined a gym and told one of the girls who work there how it really hurts after when i try and do sit up's so i try not to and she basicallt said my muscles in my stomach could just be so weak they hurt when there used, i recommend using something like a slendertone belt to try and built you stomach muscles up even though this still slighty hurts me but it doesn't last like it does with doing sit up's.