View Full Version : please give me advice?Monophobia

16-06-09, 00:35
hiya,im 16 nearly 17 and in year 12 (in college)i have monophobia.Ive had it before but conquered it (something happend)and it triggered my problems off again.I cant move out without someone who is older than me,i cant go on public transport on my own,i panik incase my mum is late everyday when picking me up from school incase she doesnt come.I feel so stupid.My friends keep asking me to go out and because im worried theyl go home and il be on my own i say no!I need this to change.Some things have happend in my house that im not going to go into but i just cant stay in on my own.....i feel isolated, trapped, feel like i need to run and that noone will help me.Then panic attacks come ''palms clammy,palpatations,dizzyness' -what do you think if i move away at university? do you think it will go? Id have to do it il be forced to stay on my own? I need to break out of this problem, i hate my house.Ive got a lovely boyfriend who ive been with for over 3 years and i wanna be able to go out dancing, i wanna be a teacher,i want my own independance.Im sick of this thing its controling my life!
please help me x

16-06-09, 12:12
Hii..just letting you kno your not alone with feeling like this. im 19 an since having a bad panic attack while being in the house on my own ive been absouloutey petrified of being on my own.just the thought of being on my own makes me panic. it really is awful itsnt it makes you feel like you have no independence an no confidence.Try an explain your problem to your friends because then you could go out with them an you know you wont be left on your own . i think we need to realise that we are going to have to overcome this fear because its no fun living like this and realise no matter how much we panic an how scared we feel nothing bad is gonna happen xx