View Full Version : Stuffy head and feeling of not being there

16-06-09, 10:28
I was in town on Sunday and felt awful. I thought I was going to be sick any moment and my head felt really sore and stuffy and like it was full of cotton wool. Also even though I was there looking around at everything I felt like I wasn't really there, wasn't really seeing these things, does that make any sense. I think I am more stressed out as I have my Take That concert in 8 days, not them stressing me out lol, just the thought of a 12 hour day

16-06-09, 16:50
Hi, sounds like a normal reaction to me so don't worry too much about it. Are you an anxiety sufferer? Or maybe it was due to tiredness.

17-06-09, 10:17
Thanks PsychoPoet, yes I am an anxiety sufferer, was diagnosed with GAD over 2 years ago. Sounds like classic anixety I know but it's so annoying when one minute you can enjoy being out then the next you suddenly feel sick, dizzy, spaced out ect for no reason whatsoever. I don't know what triggers it. I'm also really tired at the moment, lucky of I'm getting 5 or 6 hours a night, just can't say asleep