View Full Version : sporadic painful armpits!

16-06-09, 11:02
Hi all,

Very worried as over the past few months I have had this really weird pain sporadically in my armpits. It is very rarely in both at the same time and usually comes up in right predominantly.
It happens about 2-3 times a month and swells up slightly, is very sore to touch and to move. It usually goes in 1-2 days and there is only a slight lump.
Went to doctor who felt armpits (not well though-he did it through a thick jumper!) who said it prob due to shaving! It happens when I don't shave!
I'm getting really really stressed that it could be something really serious now.
Has anyone else had any experience of this?

Thanks in advance! :blush:

16-06-09, 11:16
Have you had a throat infection, cold etc that has been ongoing. I am not a doctor but what comes to mind is the glands under your arms enlarging whilst trying to fight an infection. Are any of the hair follicles infected because that could be another cause. Do you have more than one doctor in your practice? If so then just to put your mind at rest I would make an appointment with another Doctor. How could he possible see what was wrong through a thick jumper? Do hope you go soon and get it sorted out.

16-06-09, 11:19
I have seen two seperate doctors. One who didn't bother examining me and the other one who felt through the jumper. Not had a cold for a while! Sometimes I get swollen tonsils fo no reason though!
Also no infected hair follicles that I can see.
I can sometimes link it to ovulation/menstruation but not this time :(

16-06-09, 11:46
Hi again Laurat, OK so no problems there really unless its tonsils, next step might be to ask for a blood test.

17-06-09, 10:46
Went to see the nurse yesterday who felt my armpit and found a small lump (though it was really painful to touch!) and she has referred me straight away to doctor.
Could this be breast cancer? :(