View Full Version : More swalowing problems

16-06-09, 13:20
Hi, I had a problem a couple of weeks ago with excess saliva production and its back again with a vengeance! I have had severel days with constant nausea and just when I get some respite from that by being really determined to beat it, I find myself with this damn prblem which is freaking me out! I understand excess saliva can be to do with GERD, but why suddenly? Is this really an anxiety problem? Could it be something serious, tumour etc? Just need some reassurance again guys, having a really tough time recently. It just feels like something is irritating my mouth and causing there to be too much saliva, which I have to swallow all the time, then I get a bit panicky thinking I am gonna drown in the stuff or have to vomit it up! Please help if you can x